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Hiker Smurf

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:20 am
by Guest
I'm not sure what happened but on the old thread about hiker smurf from last September we seem to have lost all the pictures. Anyway, I thought I would let you know that he has left home for good. Hiker Smurf has gone to live with two walkers from Dorset (he and Stinky met them in September on the West Highland Way). They have apparently renamed him Brian and he says "hi" to everyone. Also his new owners tell us Hiker Smurf is going to be going on lots of new adventures with them, including a trip to the Italian Dolomites.

Stinky is going to do Offa's Dyke next month which is a walk along the English/Welsh border so he will have to take a different hiker smurf with him then, or knowing him he may try and sneak out a Smurfette instead :o .