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PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:57 am
by André
Do you think it is a coincidence that the sprintersmurf has the same national colours as the number one sprinter Usain Bolt??? :-D :-? With GOLDSHOES just like Usain!!!! :cheers: For me that is a bit to much of a coincidence!! 8-)
it would have been great a black smurf figurine running.
Not purple !
but black smurfs are politically incorrect... :scared:
If Schleich had painted the smurf like that then I would not be surprised if Schleich had to stop producing smurfs forever, because that would be very obvious, and as you say politicaly very incorrect for a worldwide company.

But I like to rather see the sprintersmurf as a huge fan of Usain and therefore is dressed like this!! :lol: :-D When I get this and see the olympics I will cut white stickers in small squares. And paint Usains number on them and stick them to the cheast, back and sides of the legs!!! :cheers: :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:11 am
by André
I wonder if Schleich have chosen these colours themselves??

Off course IMPS get to see these and have approved the colours, but I mean if Schleich choose the colours and IMPS just says OK??? :-?

Schleich most certainly have chosen the colours to make them go with the olympics, since they themselves write that in their information for the 2012 releases. These are not "normal" sportsmurfs, these are as Schleich says made to go with the olympics. That is why they have chosen sportsmurfs and that is why this sprintersmurf IS Usain Bolt!!! :-D :-D :lol: :cheers:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:09 am
by smurfowen
Here's a spanner in the works. Micheal Jordan was the first to win the Olympics with gold shoes. His were Nike.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:43 am
by Smurfysmurf
Andre, the only way I believe that is if you can put the other 11 smurfs with Olympic competitors :nahnah:

Actually, if Schleich really had based their colors on him would they not only have gotten permission from IMPS/Lafig but also the guy himself? :-?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:31 am
by André
I would be very surprised if Usain has the rights for all yellow shirts and green shorts and golden shoes with no marking what so ever?? :lol: I think it is impossible to get rights for colours like that, right?? :-? :D

Schleich would definatly not have to ask permission for painting it like that. I think you need more details to get rights for colours??

But imagine this. Wouldn´t it be awesome when getting closer to the olympics if Usain Bolt appears on adverts for the olympic smurfs and it is intentional and with permission?? !! :lol: You are allowed to have dreams here, right?? 8)

That would definatly make them sell alot! At least in Jamaica??? :o :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:01 am
by Smurfysmurf
The skeptic in me is still not convinced, however you could start a campaign to make it so...

Surely, if Schleich has intended this to be they would admit to it if asked...and if you tell enough newspapers they may print a story...and you know how rumours on the Internet become facts :cheers:

Even Usain may go for it if he learns of a smurf that looks like him...

All worth a try :-D

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:21 am
by smurfowen
If this is the case then the shot putter should be David the Olympic medalust shotputter. He wore full orange.

Even the mouth and the pose and ball colour.

Co-incidents that his number starts with 1

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:29 am
by André
If this is the case then the shot putter should be David the Olympic medalust shotputter. He wore full orange.
Which David do you mean?? :-?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:41 am
by smurfowen
David cassino of spain

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:56 am
by Lia
I hope, it`s Rutger Smith 8-)

Half marathon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:33 am
by Max
Well, since today I ran a half-maraton in 1h 33 m 11s, which is good time for a sprinter (in off-season I like to try some different "tastes"!), today I deserve the smurf with medal!
By the way my team (I am the founder and president) wears similar colours!
:) :) :) :) :)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:34 am
by paolo
I read in another forum that someone was wandering why Schleich skipped number 20735.
What if there is a surprise Papa Smurf with that number? Maybe a new release with the Olympic Torch?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:40 am
by Tintin

I wouldn't count on it.
The numbers 20480 and 20481 are open to ................
also 20489 20490 20491 and 20492.

It would be a great surprise and if it's on me more then welcome,
but i don't have illusions it will happen.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:45 am
by smurfowen
beach volley ball smurfette

aka Misty May Treanor

take note the ball colours

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:52 am
by smurfowen
Smimmer / Diver

Michael Phelps

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:11 pm
by smurfowen
Missing numbers got me thinking....

A missing Papa Smurf and a Missing Baby smurf.... and what is an Olympic without the torch??

Maybe they are waiting to release one nearer to the time, but as for papa and baby. who knows

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:52 am
by Ritter_Schlumpfenherz
I think after the disappointment of the last few years, I am soooo happy that smurfs look like smurfs again..I don't even really care that some are revamped old molds. Truth be told, I expected some to be a rework because Schleich has been doing it for a few years, and from a monetary standpoint it makes sense, especially in a bad economy.

Just happy we get 10 new ones..and it's easy to see variations coming out or even promos :dream:
You took the words out of my mouth, Moey. :D I love them dearly and I'm dying to hold them in my hands. :smitten:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:14 am
by southernyacht
This is the first time in a few years I've been really excited about the new smurfs!!!

(and I know they bought in loads of publicity, but I couldn't get used to the new look movie smurfs :banghead: )

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:02 am
by Simon X
The new smurfs are offcially revealed on the new Schleich S website. :D ... d056159e70

(and here)


This is the new catalogue.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:02 am
by Tintin

I hope they will be soon in the shops :-D
