Reactions to my smurf collection
PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 5:04 pm
My mother gave a house warming tea in my new house today and quite a few friends came to visit.
Those friends aren't that close to me so I never told them about being a smurf collector and I was quite interested to see how they would react to my smurf room
I think one was simply shocked...most of the others told the usual stories, how they used to watch them as children and that they had no idea that there are so many different ones (I didn't tell them that most of my collection isn't on display yet becuase all I have out so far are the unlicensed smurfs and sockels). One of my friends told me not only did she watch the cartoons as a child but that her children watch them all of the time on TV even now. I thought that was pretty cool as it shows that children today still know what's good on TV
One thing that made my day was my mail lady who also came to visit and said that as soon as she heard of the house warming tea she knew she had to come as well as I was her favorite mail stop. Of course I showed her the smurf room as 99% came thru packages delivered by her or her predecessor. She told me she knew of my collection because her niece who had the mail route before her told her of it....I guess everybody in our local post office knows what's in those packages they used to get so many of
Those friends aren't that close to me so I never told them about being a smurf collector and I was quite interested to see how they would react to my smurf room
I think one was simply shocked...most of the others told the usual stories, how they used to watch them as children and that they had no idea that there are so many different ones (I didn't tell them that most of my collection isn't on display yet becuase all I have out so far are the unlicensed smurfs and sockels). One of my friends told me not only did she watch the cartoons as a child but that her children watch them all of the time on TV even now. I thought that was pretty cool as it shows that children today still know what's good on TV
One thing that made my day was my mail lady who also came to visit and said that as soon as she heard of the house warming tea she knew she had to come as well as I was her favorite mail stop. Of course I showed her the smurf room as 99% came thru packages delivered by her or her predecessor. She told me she knew of my collection because her niece who had the mail route before her told her of it....I guess everybody in our local post office knows what's in those packages they used to get so many of