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Postby bwalters » Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:53 am
Hi All; Last Friday I got a call from barnes and noble saying they had recieved a book for me. So on Saturday I gassed up the car and drove 90 miles to pick it up. Once I got there I realized I had already paid for the book and paid to have it shipped to my house, but didn't have my reciept with me. When I got home I found it and sent barnes and noble a message telling them how unhappy I was that I not only had already paid for that book and had to pay for it again. A couple of days later I got a message from them saying they had shipped my book to me. I got it yesterday. Same book I had just driven 90 miles to pick up the week before. I had asked them in my first message if it was posible to just apply what I had paid the first time to the new book Smurf and the Egg when it came out. I sent them a new message telling them That I had spent almost $50 on that $5 book counting the first time I paid for it, and gas to go pick it up. I also told them they need not do anything more. I will buy any more books from someone else.
Mr Bill
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