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Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:17 am
Hi guys,

in one of the magazines, my mum always reads called "Alles für die Frau" ( meaning "Woman's All" in which English), No.3, dating from January 12th, there was a tiny report on the Smurfs anniversary. :D


Happy Birthday!

Smurfs to Celebrate their 50th Birthday

What a impressive career this blue imps have been pursuing for the last fifty years. They started off as minor characters only in the comic book "La Flûte à six Schtroumpfs" (The Flute has got Six Holes) by Belgian cartoonist Peyo. In 1965, the first pvcs appeared. The real breakthrough came in 1978, when Vader Abraham alias Pierre Kartner (aged 72) was releasing his single "The Smurf Song". Now they became collector's items in surprise eggs and on toy fairs. After being awarded "Toy of the Year", the smurfs even conquered the States. At the end of the 1980's this listed Christmas/Xmas smurf was the most expensive one (pic below) with a value of 450 Euros. Attention collectors!!! At the end of January, eight anniversary smurfs will be released ( for more information on them, go to www.gaschers.de ). And there is another news for you: In November, the first part of the so-called Smurf trilogy will hit the big screen.


Postby Tojo » Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:31 am
Great little article Dominique :D They even mention that the first part of the film trilogy should be out in November....
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:17 am
Here is another German article on the 50th anniversary of the Smurfs from the Lübecker Nachrichten (a local newspaper) incl. a very lovely interview with Peyo's widow Nine and their son Thierry Culliford. This article also states out many interesting news, that there will be some free smurfs given away to children in twenty cities in fifteen countries, which they may then create as they please. :) And no longer, Smurfette shall remain the only female smurf. [Note, but there are Granny and Sassette,aren't they?]
[Note: This article is featured in many local German newspapers]

Here's another two page article taken out from "Focus", a political magazine including a pic of Nine Culliford. Thierry and Nine both insist that Peyo wasn't much into drawing, but he choose blue in order to distinguish the smurfs from the woods. It also mentions that the script is the making. :D
http://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/tid-8 ... 33413.html

Postby Tojo » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:37 am
Thanks for posting that Dominique :D

In 20 Städten in 15 Ländern wollen die Veranstalter mehrere tausend weiße Schlumpf-Figuren verteilen, die Kinder bemalen oder bekleben können. Außerdem wird es eine Jubiläums-Ausgabe der Sammelfiguren geben, Briefmarken, T-Shirts und eine Mini-Kollektion der bisherigen Bände.

The organisers wish to distribute thousands of white smurf figures in 20 towns in 15 countries which children will be able to paint or put stickers on. In addition, there will be a jubilee set of figures (I assume the new Schleich range), T-shirts & a mini-collection of the smurfs to date.

This all sounds to good to be true!!!!! I bet they don't come to Frankfurt though :) :( :(
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:39 am
Thanks for posting that Dominique :D

In 20 Städten in 15 Ländern wollen die Veranstalter mehrere tausend weiße Schlumpf-Figuren verteilen, die Kinder bemalen oder bekleben können. Außerdem wird es eine Jubiläums-Ausgabe der Sammelfiguren geben, Briefmarken, T-Shirts und eine Mini-Kollektion der bisherigen Bände.

The organisers wish to distribute thousands of white smurf figures in 20 towns in 15 countries which children will be able to paint or put stickers on. In addition, there will be a jubilee set of figures (I assume the new Schleich range), T-shirts & a mini-collection of the smurfs to date.

This all sounds to good to be true!!!!! I bet they don't come to Frankfurt though :) :( :(
No, but they will come to Berlin. :( I hope to make it there. :D

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:41 am
Thanks for posting that Dominique :D

In 20 Städten in 15 Ländern wollen die Veranstalter mehrere tausend weiße Schlumpf-Figuren verteilen, die Kinder bemalen oder bekleben können. Außerdem wird es eine Jubiläums-Ausgabe der Sammelfiguren geben, Briefmarken, T-Shirts und eine Mini-Kollektion der bisherigen Bände.

The organisers wish to distribute thousands of white smurf figures in 20 towns in 15 countries which children will be able to paint or put stickers on. In addition, there will be a jubilee set of figures (I assume the new Schleich range), T-shirts & a mini-collection of the smurfs to date.

This all sounds to good to be true!!!!! I bet they don't come to Frankfurt though :) :( :(
The marking should read: a mini collection of the Smurf comic books up to date.

Postby Tojo » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:45 am
Oops you're right Dominique :banghead: That's what happens if you try to translate something while kids are constantly pestering you :x :angry: :)
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:46 am
Too right. :hug:

Postby Rachel » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:12 pm
WOW Dominique, this is all great information. Thank You firstly for sharing all this info with us and also a big Thanks for the translation and the pic and links. :thanks2: :hug:

I have just translated the Focus article and it made a very interesting read. What really made it interesting though is that it seems to confirm that the Smurf Movie WILL be released this year. There have been so many rumours flying around lately, some even saying the movie had been scrapped completely so to hear it coming from IMPS is definitely a positive sign.
Revolution in Schlumpfhausen
The Schluempfe celebrates their 50. Birthday. Punctually to the anniversary a social paging is approaching for them: They get female increase.
Of FOCUS on-line authoress Daniela Schroeder

For many decades the Schluempfe celebrated its rushing parties with only a female nature, lay everything only the one to feet. But also the most brought in man municipality does not outlast an eternity. Schlumpfine are placed for the first time in this year equal Geschlechtsgenossinen against the side.

More girls after Schlumpfhausen

"Soziokulturelle changes" would stand for the mushroom house village in a new film version before, announced Hendrik Coysman, boss of the production company MPS, for the prelude of the Schlumpf Jubilaeumsjahres in Brussels. Since girls came in the past years ever more strongly to power, soon also more women in Schlumpfhausen would live and from it completely new situations would result.

So far the life of the 100-Mann-Truppe went approximately around the wise dad Schlumpf a cosy course. In the kitchen the Kochschlumpf, Fanny prevails worries about the vegetable fields, mobile phone repairs holes in the mushroom houses, of one sews caps and trousers, all together holds the large dam in shot. However the baluen gnomes put most time into their hobbies and into large celebrations. The archaische idyl is disturbed only by the attacks of the Schlumpf racing Zauberers Gargamel and by quarrels around the affection of the straw-blond however bosom-free Schlumpfine.

Three-dimensional motion picture film

At the script for the new film at present, so Coysman is filed eager. In the course of this yearly he is to come into the cinemas. Beside new women the Schluempfe will get also outlines and three-dimensional over the canvas boots. By their flat predecessors in "the Schluempfe and the magic flute" the today's figures thereby are mile far distant. In Germany the strip gave the break-through to the Belgian dwarves from the year 1975; a whole generation was its pocket money into enormous amounts of Schlumpf Nippes.

For the first time the Schluempfe had emerged in this country 1969 in a fixed and a Foxi volume of the Kauka publishing house - its adventures appeared later with Carlsen and Bastei. 1978 were their superyear: "the song of the Schluempfe" of Pierre Kartner alias Vader Abraham stood for months in the German Charts. Also in Belgium, Holland, France and England the appropriate language versions of the question answer singing cleared enormously.

Schlumpflied as Hip Hop Staendchen

A bear tiger dutchman becomes the song 50. Do not hum to birthday. Target group-consciously black horses and rather hip hoppen themselves the Schluempfe their Staendchen. In the sense of their Belgian inventor Peyo the new life change of its most famous creatures can hardly have been. "my father could not even draw cars", said son Thierry. Particularly for the Middle Ages the artist was interested the 1992 deceased.

The stork brings small Schlumpf children
The Schluempfe was a coincidence product, emerged 1958 only as Nebenfiguren in a Comic around the PAGE Johan on a medieval castle. But the mini appearance of the small blue ones at the end of a side becomes the birth of a myth. The readers are in such a way inspired of zipfelbemuetzten dwarves that they get one year later their first solo history.

Green were too knallig taboo, red and yellow

Also the sky-blue skin of the tiny natures was rather a coincidence, said Peyos widow Niné. "my man could not deal particularly well with colors." Taboo was green, since the Schluempfe would have gone down otherwise regarding the Dickicht of the forest. Red and yellow were too knallig, skin color came for the magic natures anyway not in question. Thus only blue remained.

Likewise unplanned the name with cap in the bed of the going associates. The idea came Peyo during one vacation with the Belgian Comic draughtsman Franquin. When with eating the correct word for salt did not occur to it, Peyo asked to give therefore it "le schtroumpf". From then on the men inserted the term everywhere, translated even French fables into the language of the Schtroumpfs. In the German translations in the intolerable and partly also unrecognizable one one verschlumpft. Only the wise dad Schlumpf speaks 100 per cent schlumpf free.

Gargamel as symbol figure of western capitalism

In signal-red dressed and with full beard in the face the Oberschlumpf is often interpreted as mini version of Karl Marx. The blue dwarves are a communist heap, so the interpretation, the village represent the utopia of a socialist society. Everything does not belong to all, the village supplies itself, money plays in the Schlumpf life a role. Proof for this thesis is also that Schluempfe fall duly on the nose, if they try from their firmly written role to break and their own thing to turn. Gargamel is according to the interpretation a symbol figure for western capitalism and the besserwisserische Schlaubischlumpf a representative of the Intelligentsia uncomfortable in communism.

Thierry Culliford said, an alleged membership of its father in the communist party did not continue to be anything as a rumor. "Schlumpf stories are based only on which it from the observation of its environment pulled, were politically active he never." Who does not interpret the Schlumpf adventures politically, she can read at least sexistisch. From the bad Gargamel as discords pin end temptation first bruenett production, of dad Schlumpf then changed into a blond bloede Sexbombe, stood for Schlumpfine so far only decoratively in the picture around.

Blue troop depends on the stork

Also to the reproduction the hollow beautiful one is not needed; with the Schluempfen that settles the stork. Whether the blue troop in their 50. Lebensjahr now so modern will that in the future also over to child wars and parent time are, wanted the Schlumpf Macher unfortunately not to answer. Putzig will remain the blue gang even with higher woman portion.
Sorry, not the best translation (Babelfish) but it at least gives an idea. :-D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Simon X » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:25 pm
Wow, so many smurf news!!! :shock: :-D

I don't know if the following information was in one of the articles (I am a bit confused about all those articles :) ):

http://news.search.ch/ausland/2008-01-1 ... geburtstag

Ausserdem werden Prominente 1,50 Meter grosse Schlümpfe gestalten, die später versteigert werden sollen. Der Erlös geht an UNICEF.

Moreover celebrities will design 1,50 meters (60 inch/ 5 feet???) high smurfs, that will be auctioned later. The revenue is for UNICEF.

Postby smurfer » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:55 pm
Fantastic ,what a smurfy day !! :crazy: :!: :roll:
Thank you guys , for all that smurfnews !!! :thumbsmurf: :thumbsmurf:

Postby FlamingO » Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:25 pm
:iagree: A super, well co-ordinated smurfy day across the globe :)

Thank you for all the translations guys :-D
The organisers wish to distribute thousands of white smurf figures in 20 towns in 15 countries which children will be able to paint or put stickers on
I hope the organisers hide them low down or their may be a few taller 'children' hunting these out :lol:

Postby Tojo » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:31 am
That's just what I was thinking :) There could be an awful lot of raws appearing on ebay all of a sudden....
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:
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