USA - PVCI`m not sure if I understood this correctly, but does McDonalds in the USA give 16 pvc smurfs with the happy meals and Mc Donalds in Germany/ Europe puts plush smurfs in the happy meals????
Thanks Joaquin! So i need to go get more boxes .. Papa boxes this time ..Spain...plushes
Ron, at least we know there are three different boxes: papa, clumsy and smurfette. perhaps McDo has done 6 different boxes wih each one of the main characters of the film
Wish They had those Boxes in America, they are a Lot Cooler then the ones here, Got the Complete set today, went to What I Call The Ghetto Mcdonalds and the Nice Lady behind the Counter Onica, went in the Back and Found the Ones i was Missing and Another Smurfette, for me so i now have all the Set, Still Looking for a Canadian Vanity Though.
I'm working on collecting as many empty Smurf boxes as i can, for anybody from here who wants some ..Wish They had those Boxes in America, they are a Lot Cooler then the ones here,
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