When in doubt Michelle.....we look to those among us with those special smurfing powers and David is no exception there. He's big, he's green, scaley & has a rather fiery temper. He's perfect to turn to in times of a crisis and once again he has delivered here.
When we want to know all about the fakes that live among the land of those so called privileged real smurfs....there can only be one man...we hail Captain Attom for the insight and wisdom for all those smurfs critters that sneak through the cracks of good taste and good fortune.
When ya wanna answer and you want it now without any nonsense or a shadow of doubt but you want it with laughter then you turn to the stressly mannered Mrs Wobley who transforms into cool Rach from the land of Blue Imps. You do not want to get involved in a drinking challenge against this wishy Welshy lass that can probably kick my.....so it hurts.
When you seek the past, future & present of the thing some of us can prounounce as Schtroumpf.....then I make one call...and one call only to the professor of Peyoness and decency in Frammy Baby. Although making a call to Agent Frammy at the moment might not be a good idea as he is expecting a future forum agent any day now.
When you want to know how the weather is in Sydney at the moment....People turn to me. I can honestly help with the fast data required.....although accurate temperatures may take a while for me to do the net search but I am your man.
When you suddenly have a spider in your house and you are faced with that age old dilemma of "Do I wan't want to kill it or send it to a friend you know just cos it's fun?"........we turn to Graham with a special package so he knows they aren't only to be found on the web.
When you want a headache or a hang over, some of us may turn to Johnnie Walker who.... ... .... is nothing to do with this forum but just leads me into talking about the next thing which is........that I should probably stop talking right about now.
A Newbie