Ok heres all the information you should need. I will add any as I go along if need be and I will enclose the instructions with the package as well.
1. When you receive the smurf please take at least one and no more than 5 photos of him in or around where you live. Famous landmarks would be great but just your backyard will be fine also
2. Email the photos to
smurfaroundtheworld@stannes.wa.edu.au This is an email that I have set up at our school and will be able to access.
3. If you'd like to write a little story about the smurf and his adventures at your place that would be great also. Anything interesting about where you live would also be helpful. For example: the temperature that day, how to say hello in your native language, how many pets you have etc.
4. Fill in a page in the passport however you like. I was going to date the first page so we can see when he left and maybe find some kind of stamp or sticker to stick on it.
5. PM the person next on the list to get their address and post him (airmail) on when you're ready. I'm anticipating that each person keeps him a few days in order to have time to photograph him.
When I have talked to the computer technician at school next week I will let you know about where I will be putting the photos when they arrive and the stories if any as I think it'd be nice for everyone to track where hes going and what hes been up to. I'm pretty sure I will be able to put them on the school website or a space there somewhere. If not I will set up a geocities one.
Thanks again everyone.