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January competition - Smurfing Around
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:36 pm
by Guest
Finally I remembered my idea for the January competition, well it wasn't really my idea because I was inspired by a TV competition.
Ok here's what you have to do..
Take a picture of a smurf and post it here. The best picture will be decided by a poll on the board to run between January 31st and February 7th. This may sound all very boring but the idea is to come up with an interesting place to photograph your smurf. So your smurf could be sitting on a tractor, standing next to your cat, at the top of a famous building, or basically anywhere. If you prefer to use a plush smurf or other kind of larger smurf because your camera isn't good enough for close ups of the 2 inch ones then that is ok. If you enter a photo and then change your mind because you've taken a better one then that is ok as long as you change your entry before 31 January. If you've taken more than one picture then please post the ones you aren't entering on a separate thread.
Just one entry per person, closing date is January 31st.
The prize is £15.00 to spend at but please note postage cost is not included in the £15.00.
Good luck.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:07 pm
ooh another comp yepeeeeeeeeeeee
Im getting good at these recently.
This sounds like fun only question is were can i take a photo of a smurf hmmmmmmmmmm i have a few idears. good luck every one.
Smurfy regards, Steve.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:34 am
by XoioX2000
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:48 pm
by Brainy's Babe
Hehehehe, oh I can't wait to get my camera out!
I have an idea. It's *not* a winner, I can tell straight away, but I know someplace only I can get to
For that reason and only that reason, I'm gunna go for it.
Okay, that was a little cryptic. Sorry, I'm just over excited
Or have had to much Jack Daniels
Thanks for the great new comp Karen
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:03 pm
by XoioX2000
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 7:32 am
by XoioX2000
Well I am usually last to enter a competition... or leaving it too late... so I thought I would buck the trend and be first this time!!!!
Entering a January competition on the 31st of January! It had to be done...
So here is my entry...
The Scuba Smurf below started this dive on the 2nd of October 2005. It is definetly it's longest dive so far (for the ones who remember: Yes it is the same smurf that did the Horsea Island dive...)
In this tank he is currently surrended by:
4x Guppies (1 male / 3 female)
7x Cardinal Tetras
2x Baby Angelfish
2x Cardinus Catfish (Small pleco)
2x Upside down Catfish
and a pair of Dwarf Gouramis...
Oh! and an apple snail who is about the same size as Scubbie and regularly investigates Scubbie's hat! Tipped him over on a couple of occasions already... but Scubbie is a tough diver: he is handling t very well!!!
He is recording the discovery of the old city ruins of Smurftlantis, the well known city which disappeared so many thousands of year ago... of course.
PS: If you are wondering why the fishy are so blurred... that's because the damned things won't stay still long enough... Sorry Eggie, I didn't mean you...
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:47 pm
by Guest
Entering a January competition on the 31st of January! It had to be done...
David, psst... It is 31 December today!!!
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:51 pm
by Brainy's Babe
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 4:27 am
by XoioX2000
Entering a January competition on the 31st of January! It had to be done...
David, psst... It is 31 December today!!!
Mental note: learn to type properly in 2006...
and Nappy Yew Hear everi-un...
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:02 am
by Rachel
Great picture David, so simple yet a fab idea.
I will have to get my brain into gear to think of a good subject me thinks.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:11 pm
by eggie smurf
... Sorry Eggie, I didn't mean you...
It's ok, I have the same problem
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:28 pm
by attombomb7
hi! Great picture David!
love your aquarium! I also have aquariums! love them!
I have one just for newts...with water and plants and the other
ones are fish!
yours looks wonderful with that big castle!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:14 pm
by Syd Smurf
Nice pic David...that Diver sure looks happier there than my dry one on the shelf. It's nice to know that Stace will have a place to swim when she stays over too.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:32 am
by Riding Smurfette
You never told me you were using the pics for that!
Riding Smurfette
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:19 pm
by Guest
Don't forget there is £15.00 to spend on smurfs up for grabs with this competition, just over a week left to get your entries in!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:25 pm
by Brainy's Babe
I'm taking my photo's tomorrow! Needed a friend's help for this and had to wait till she could make it.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:31 pm
i will get mine done monday all the batries have died so i cant use my camra at the mo till i get some new ones.
Smurfy regards, steve.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:40 pm
by Guest
Needed a friend's help for this and had to wait till she could make it.
Now we all know what your imagination is like, Claire, so this could be very interesting!!!!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:19 am
by Brainy's Babe
Needed a friend's help for this and had to wait till she could make it.
Now we all know what your imagination is like, Claire, so this could be very interesting!!!!
I think you're all getting to know me
Got the pics now and I think I can promiss you they'll be "different" .
On a related subject, does anybody know how to get grass strains out of a Trudi Brainy?
My problem now is I've had a much better idea for a pic using the same location. This is actually a good idea and a sensible competition entery so I'm going back next weekend and I don't know which I'll chose as my final pic
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:20 am
by Brainy's Babe
i will get mine done monday all the batries have died so i cant use my camra at the mo till i get some new ones.
Smurfy regards, steve.
Can't wait to see it, Steve