As you may remember, I bought a very lovely smurf collection consisting of 40+ pvcs , twelve surprise egg smurfs (I dunno, if they are genuine or not. ), four fakes and one raw smurf from another student that summer. She noticed me browsing BlueCavern, and asked me, if I was collecting smurfs. Only two days later, I bought the box for twelve Euros, which was almost the rest of the money, I was able to spend for the rest of the month. See:
I told you how amazing and valuable this lot was.
However the school cones have some minor rubs on their hands. The first aid keychain variation has the ear not being attached to the smurf, but it is actually a part of the smurf itself (I haven't seen him in the DSK so far, yet there is another variation existing, which is shown in the catalogue) has a minor rub on his nose and the ring of the chain is slightly damaged. That certain smurf turned out to be very rare according to what Tintin and Michelle told me at Brussels.