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Postby bwalters » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:05 pm
Hi All; I got some new plastic cases last night and was putting some supersmurfs in them this morning. I had not noticed before that I had two two diffrent styles of it. Actually I was aware that the nets were diffrent, but hadn't noticed that the base was diffrent and I had two diffrent colors of the backboard and post. I saw that the bases were diffrent on MV but the backboards were the same color. Shows you how observant I am. I've had these for years.


Mr Bill

Postby FlamingO » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:30 pm
Thanks for the pics Bill :-D I had noticed before that this super had a few variants. I also think the cycling smurf has a similar base in being 'reversed' ? I haven't checked any others though.

Postby bwalters » Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:00 pm
Hi FlamingO; I got 4 cases last night two for supers and two for regulars. The regular Smurf cases I buy come in two styles with or without a mirror that you can either stick to the bottom or the back I knew that there was a piece of paper you have to peel off the back to stick it with, but just noticed that there is also a thin piece of mylar on the top that protects the mirror. Now I have to go back and peel that mylar off all the other cases I have put it on. :banghead: Its not just that there are 10 of them that I have to do this to, but I have 1 or 2 cases on top of everyone of them. As you are probibly aware some of the Smurfs have a hard time standing up without touching them. I have to take each case very carefully set it somewhere then open the one I need to get to remove up to 16 Smurfs and peel off the mylar then put it all back together.
Mr Bill

Postby bwalters » Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:37 pm
Hi FlamingO; I took a pic of the bottoms with the mylar and without it. You can really tell the diffrence in the middle as you can see a reflection of the candy topper really good on the one on the left. I haven't done them all yet I have 3 to go, but I did the other seven in about 15 min. Wasn't as bad as I though it would be. I only knocked 1 Smurf over hiker did it twice though. My basketball team is playing in a min the Smurfs will have to wait. They are in the elite 8 playing for the final 4.

Mr Bill

Postby eggie smurf » Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:53 pm
They are in the elite 8 playing for the final 4.
I hope Mizzou wins for you, Bill (I hate UConn)...I am a Nova grad and hoping we can get past Pitt tonight :fingers: :woohoo:
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby FlamingO » Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:15 pm
Hi Bill, I see what you mean about the mylar :-D hope not too many more smurfs go tumbling when you take the rest off :D

Did your team got the right result? :-? :cheerz: We don't get much basketball (male netball !! :) ;) ) on TV over here but it's a game I like :-D

Postby eggie smurf » Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:22 pm
Bill's team lost but my team got into the Final Four :woohoo::cheer: The first time since 1985 (which is when my college won it's first NCAA championship :D )
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby bwalters » Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:38 pm
Hi flamingO; No we lost last night :x we did the best we have ever done though. And better than any of us at work figured we would do. We have had our best year in history so I am OK with it. Where are you from I guess overseas somewhere. I did the last 4 cases this morning Smurfette's casses were a pain to do. She is very easy to knock over. I did figure out that if I put the case together first it is easier to keep steady. I had to take the Smurfette case's apart about 5 times each plus I dropped one Smurfette and while trying to catch her I knock two more case of smurfs over. Congrats Staci your team did win hope they go all the way.
Mr Bill
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