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Postby lilou4460 » Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:04 am
Hi everyone,

I was not sure about posting the topic but since I have no answer from him I m doing it.
The story is really simple, I was looking for the blue majorette smurfette, and after asking on the forum I did follow the advices and ordered it from (what I thought) a very trustable seller ( Gascher shop).
That cost 55euros but I was sure to have a great blue majorette smurfette. But that was just a dream.
I received the smurfette yesterday and no needs to be a very big speciallist of fake to notice that it was one...and a really bad one.
The red paint was coming of and stuck all over the smurfette, you can see pink paint under the red paint on the shoes. You can see gold paint on the top of the majorette stick. The faker didn't even wait enough to dry the paint I think I have his own finger print on the shoes of the smurfette.

I sent the picture to rachel I hope she will want to add them on this topic (thanks rachel).

This is really bad for the smurf collecting community. I m not sure I will do collecting smurf anymore. It's a shame that the author of the dsk can sell fake smurf.
So franck oswald if you read that topic I'm sorry to say that but you do not deserve to be on the link of every smurf collector webpage

I m not asking everyone to remove gascher's link but I m asking everyone to check about their smurf they bought some from him.

May be I m lucky cause the paint was not dry enough and I saw that it was a fake.

To conclude, not sure you will see me so much on the forum


If you want the pics by email send a private message with your email but I m sure rachel will put them online

Postby lilou4460 » Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:18 am
here the answer form gascher, can't beleive he said that this smurfette is coming from schleich !!!!!

"thank you for your request.
I am sorry you are not satisfied with the smurf I have sent you.
Some of the smurfettes have been painted in red/yellow for testing reasons by Schleich (that is where I have them from). All three smurfs of this kind I have left look excactly like yours - so exchanging would not be reasonable."

anyway He will refund me, won't buy anymore from him

don't know why he is talking about red and yellow for a blue majorette smurfette

Postby eggie smurf » Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:28 am
I wouldn't let one bad experience stop you from smurf collecting. At least you were able to see the problem and the seller has done the right thing even though the whole thing was quite frustrating :banghead:
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby André » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:09 pm
Good that you got the money back Lilou.

I think you always should be careful with colourvariations. Because there are a lot of fakers out there. And it doesn´t matter if you collect pottery from the Ming Dynasty or smurfs, as long as there are money to earn by making fakes there will be people making fakes.

And painting smurfs is probably the easiest way for a smurfseller to make extra money on a smurfitem.

I know people with a lot of paintingskills painting other Schleichitems, like the horses just to make them have the colours they like. And I can tell you that it is very hard to say if these horses are painted by Schleich or are homemade.

Therefore I never pay a lot of money for these colourvariations. Offcourse these variations could be very nice to have and certainly look nice but they are also very hard to tell if they are geniune or not.

Wouldn´t stop me from collecting smurfs, though!! :cheers: :lol:

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:25 am
Hi Lilou

It's at least something that you got your money back but I understand you spent money, time and a lot of frustration for nothing. I've been there before and I sympathise with you for the complete waste of time.

I've never seen one of these Smurfettes that couldn't be proved to be a fake....I also have heard the same from many other collectors too.

I hope that this problem does not cause you to stop collecting smurfs as there are many other positves and joys that come from collecting.


Postby Pitufo » Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:46 pm
Hi, Lilou!!!!!!

I agree with Staci: a bad expereinece is not enough to stop collecting!!!!!Do you love smurfs???So, please, go on collecting!!!

What do do???I decided time ago not to spend big amounts of money in rare colours variations, even more in rare variations we even don´t know if really do exist as genuine...Gaschers???well, I have never bought rare smurfs from him...I t is just a simple question: he is a seller and he is an editor of a book with prices...is he going to say me how much a amurf cost????No, thanks...There are many smurfs at DSK that DON´T EXIST as variations, and what to say about testeversions????Of course I think some testeversions exist, but so many??????????

And please: don´t stop your collection!!!!!!!We all have ahad a bad experience, I think :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Postby stampysmurf » Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:51 pm
I agree also! Don't give up collecting your smurfs! Maybe focus your attention on all of the wonderful new smurfs and smurf toys that are coming out that are a little more affordable.
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