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Postby Jekyll » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:03 am
Sockels LIST

This is the list of the sockels that I've found on the web-sites of smurf collectors.
Please help me to complete it, and help me to correct the errors.

2.0001 - 2.0050

2.0003 Astro - Dad you're out of the world - Blue/Black - American
2.0003 Astro - Fly me to the Moon!! - Blue/Black - English
2.0003 Astro - Excuses-moi du retard. Bonne Anniversaire Quand Meme!! - Blue/Black - French
2.0004 Shiver - Ich Brauche deine Warme! Wann sehen wir uns Wieder? - Red/Black - German
2.0005 Gold - Congratulations - Orange/Black - Australian
2.0009 Drummer - Happy Anniversary - Blue/Black - English
2.0009 Drummer - Happy Birthday to you! - Blue/Black - English
2.0009 Drummer - Hope your Birthday Drums up Happiness!! - Red/Yellow - English
2.0009 Drummer - Avis! Vous etes invite… le…… - Red/Black - French
2.0009 Drummer - Hau' mal Richtig auf die Pauke! Alles gute zum Geburtstag - Red/Black - German
2.0009 Drummer - Buon Compleanno e tanta felicità - Pink/Black - Italian
2.0018 Crying - I'm blue without you - Yellow/Black - American
2.0018 Crying - Tout est si Schtroumpf sans toi - Blue/Black - French
2.0018 Crying - Ohne Dich its alles so trostlos! - Blue/Black - German
2.0018 Crying - Senza di te tutto è triste! - Blue/Black - Italian
2.0020 Gymnast - Super Dad - Red/Yellow - American
2.0020 Gymnast - Get well soon - Pink/Black - Australian
2.0020 Gymnast - Le poids des années ne compte pas Bon Anniversaire! - Blue/Black - French
2.0022 Poet - Mom you're to nice for words - Blue/White - American
2.0022 Poet - Let's not lose touch. Drop me a line - Blue/Black - ??
2.0022 Poet - Nur ein Kleines: Lebenszeichen - Blue/Black -German
2.0023 Guitar - Love me tender - Yellow/Black - American
2.0023 Guitar - Happy Birthday to You! - Blue/Black - English
2.0023 Guitar - You're a Hit with me - Red/White - English
2.0023 Guitar - Joyeux. Joyeux Anniversaire! - Yellow/Black - French
2.0023 Guitar - ??? - Yellow/Black - German
2.0024 Lantern - Heureuse Année - Yellow/Black - French
2.0024 Lantern - ??? - Red/Black - German
2.0024 Lantern - Hab doch glatt den tag Verpennt! Nachtraglich alles gute - Green/Black - German
2.0029 with Coin - Möge er im neuen gahr viel Glück bringen! - Blue/Yellow - German
2.0029 with Coin - Möge er im neuen gahr viel Glück bringen! - Blue/Black - German
2.0031 Postman - You're First Class - Yellow/Black - American
2.0031 Postman - I didn't forget you… just your birthday - Red/Yellow - American
2.0031 Postman - With Love on Valentine's Day! - Red/White - English
2.0031 Postman - Birthday Greetings especially for you - Yellow/Black - English
2.0031 Postman - De tout coeurs Meilleurs Souhaits - Yellow/Black - French
2.0031 Postman - Viele Grüsse will ich bringen… - Yellow/Black - German
2.0033 Clown - This place is like a 3-Ring Circus - Red/Yellow - American
2.0033 Clown - Tu vois je schtroumpfe a toi Bon Anniversaire! - Red/Black - French
2.0033 Clown- Danke Schooon! - Red/Black - German
2.0035 Kicker Football - World's greatest Soccer Player - Red/Yellow - American
2.0035 Kicker Football - Congratulations Stay on the Ball - White/Black - ??
2.0036 Hangglider - Being with you is an Upper - Red/Yellow - American
2.0036 Hangglider - Get well soon - Pink/Black - Australian
2.0036 Hangglider - Je vous envoye mes bons voeux! - White/Black - French
2.0036 Hangglider - Ich wollt ich könnte, zur Dir fliegen! - Red/Black - German
2.0037 Doctor - Doctors orders... Get Well soon!! - Blue/White - American
2.0037 Doctor - Get well soon! - White/Black - English
2.0037 Doctor - Meilleure Sante! - White/Black - French
2.0037 Doctor - Der Doktor wires schon richten! Baldige genesung! - White/Black - German
2.0038 Singer - Happy SMURFday to you - Blue/White - American
2.0038 Singer - Happy Birthday to You - Blue/Black - English
2.0038 Singer - Happy Birthday to You! - Blue/Black - English
2.0038 Singer - You're the greatest mum! - Pink/Black - English
2.0039 Mallet - Happy Birthday - Yellow/Black - Australian
2.0040 Gift & Flower - Happy Birthday - Red/Yellow - American
2.0040 Gift & Flower - Happy Mothers Day - Blue/White - American
2.0040 Gift & Flower - I Love you - Red/Black - Australian
2.0040 Gift & Flower - Happy Birthday!! - Red/Black - English
2.0040 Gift & Flower - Bonne fete! - Red/Black - French
2.0040 Gift & Flower - Mes sincères voeux de Joyeuses Paques - Red/Black - French
2.0040 Gift & Flower - Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag - Red/Black - German
2.0041 Hiker - Bon Voyage! - Blue/Black - French
2.0041 Hiker - Hoffentlich geht's bald wieder! Gute Genesung! - Green/Black - German
2.0042 Chef - C'était Extra! Merci Encore! - Blue/Black - French
2.0042 Chef - Es hat prima geschmeckt! Herzlichen Dank! - Blue/Black - German
2.0042 Chef - Posso invitarti a cena? - Blue/Black - Italian
2.0043 Digger - Heute darfst richtig faulenzen ! Schönen Tag - Green/Black - German
2.0044 Lover/Flower - Wanna Smurf Around? - Blue/White - American
2.0044 Lover/Flower - I love you - Red/Yellow - American
2.0044 Lover/Flower - I love you Mom - Red/Yellow - American
2.0044 Lover/Flower - I love you - Orange/Black - Australian
2.0044 Lover/Flower - I love you! - Red/Black - English
2.0044 Lover/Flower - Je t'aime... - Red/Black - French
2.0044 Lover/Flower - Ich mag Dich! - Red/Black - German
2.0045 Artist - Mom you're pretty as a picture - Yellow/Black - American
2.0046 Emperor - You're King of the Day. Have a Majestic Birthday! - Blue/White - English
2.0046 Emperor - Dad, You're the King! - White/Black - English
2.0049 Tennist - World's Greatest Tennis Player - Red/Yellow - American
2.0049 Tennist - World's Greatest Tennis Player - Blue/Black - American
2.0050 Pointing - There's a word for a person like you… Terrific! - Blue/White - American
2.0050 Pointing - Takk Forsist! - Yellow/Black - Norwegian
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby Jekyll » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:05 am
2.0051 - 2.0100

2.0051 Bowler - World's Greatest Blower - Red/Yellow - American
2.0051 Bowler - Congratulations - Orange/Black - Australian
2.0051 Bowler - Vivement la Quille! - Red/Black - French
2.0051 Bowler - Viele Tretfer fur die nachsten 365 tage Alles Gut! - Red/Black - German
2.0051 Bowler - La vita scorre veloce, buon compleanno - Blue/Black - Italian
2.0053 Ice Lolly - You're my favorite flavor - Yellow/Black - American
2.0054 First Aid - Lets Patch things up - Blue/White - American
2.0054 First Aid - Get well soon - Pink/Black - Australian
2.0055 Golf - World's Greatest Golfer - Yellow/Black - American
2.0056 Cardplayer - We make a Great Pair - Blue/White - American
2.0056 Cardplayer - You're Smurftastic - Red/Black - Australian
2.0056 Cardplayer - We make a Great Pair - Red/Black - English
2.0056 Cardplayer - You Always turn up Trumps, Thank You! - Blue/Black - English
2.0056 Cardplayer - Wishing you good luck! - Yellow/Black - English
2.0056 Cardplayer - Viel Erfolg im Neuen Lebensjahr und Immer einen Trumpf in der Hand! - Red/Black - German
2.0056 Cardplayer - Nella vita conta molto saper scegliere la carta vincente!! - Red/Black - Italian
2.0057 Thirsty - Hope Your Birthday's Like Me. Beautiful, Wild Unforgettable - Blue/Black - English
2.0058 Champion - Bravo! Tu es le meilleur - Red/Black - French
2.0058 Champion - Bonheur. Joie et Réussite! - Red/Black - French
2.0058 Champion - Gut gemacht! Herzlichen gluckwunsch - Red/Black - German
2.0058 Champion - Tu illumini la mia vita!! - Yellow/Black - Italian
2.0059 Teacher - You're #1 in my book - Yellow/Black - American
2.0059 Teacher - You're Number One in my book - Red/Black - English
2.0059 Teacher - NON, Je n'ai pas oublié Heureuse Fete - Red/Black - French
2.0060 with Candle - You Light up my nights - Blue/White - American
2.0060 with Candle - You Light up my Life! - Red/Black - English
2.0060 with Candle - You Light up my Life! - Yellow/Black - English
2.0060 with Candle - You Light up my Life Mom - Pink??/Black - English
2.0060 with Candle - Ich Wolte der erste sein, Der Gratuliert! Herzlichen Glückwunsch - Yellow/Black - German
2.0060 with Candle - Buon Compleanno, anche se in ritardo - White/Black - Italian
2.0061 Band Leader - Bonne Annee! - Red/Black - French
2.0061 Band Leader - Ein standchen dem Geburtstagskind! - White/Black - German
2.0061 Band Leader - Buon Compleanno!! - Red/Black - Italian
2.0062 Telephone - Reach out and touch someone… me! - Yellow/Black - American
2.0062 Telephone - Hello Mom, Have a Nice Day! - Red/Black - English
2.0062 Telephone - I miss You! - Blue/White - ??
2.0062 Telephone - Meilleurs Voeux! - Red/Black - French
2.0062 Telephone - Hallo - Wie Gehts? - White/Black - German
2.0062 Telephone - Hallo - Wie Gehts? - Yellow/Black - German
2.0062 Telephone - Aspetto una tua telefonata - White /Black - Italian
2.0064 Tooth Brush - Don't hurry. Don't rush… Do it right when you Brush! - Yellow/Black - American
2.0067 Congratulations - Wishing You Good Luck! - Blue/Black - English
2.0067 Congratulations - Merci pour tout - Red/Black - French
2.0067 Congratulations - Kurz und Klar: Viel Gluck im neuen Lebensjahr! - Blue/Black - German
2.0067 Congratulations - Kurz und Klar: Viel Gluck im neuen Lebensjahr! - Purple/Black - German - IMG
2.0067 Congratulations - Herzlichen Glückwunsch Und Viel Schwein Im Neuen Lebensjahr - Pink/Black - German
2.0068 Footballer - IMMER am Ball bleiben! Herzlichen Glückwunsch - Green/Black - German
2.0069 Jungle - Van jou word ik helemaal Wild! - Yellow/Black - Dutch
2.0069 Jungle - Ti mangerei dal bene che ti voglio!! - Yellow/Black - Italian
2.0071 Flying - Hau' mal Richtig auf die Pauke! Alles gute zum Geburtstag - Red/Black - German
2.0073 Cook - That was Delicious!! Many Thanks! - Blue/Black - English
2.0075 Quacksalber - Get well soon!! - Red/Black - English
2.0075 Quacksalber - Get well soon!! - White/Black - English
2.0075 Quacksalber - Get well soon!! - Blue/Black - English
2.0076 Rendez Vous - I miss You! - White/Black - English
2.0076 Rendez Vous - Je t'aime... - Red/Black - French
2.0076 Rendez Vous - Vive le Printemps et Heureuses Fêtes - Blue/Black - French
2.0076 Rendez Vous - Bitte Nicht Mehr Böse Sein! - Blue/Black - German
2.0076 Rendez Vous - Ma lo sai che ti voglio proprio bene - Blue/Black - Italian
2.0078 Beer - Congratulations! I'll drink to that - Blue/White - American
2.0078 Beer - Congratulations - Orange/Black - Australian
2.0078 Beer - Happy Anniversary!! - Blue/Black - English
2.0078 Beer - Cheers Dad! - White/Black - English
2.0078 Beer - Sorry You're Leaving! - Blue/White - English
2.0078 Beer - A ta Santé, Heureux Anniversaire! - Blue/Black - French
2.0078 Beer - Hoch Soil er Leben! - Blue/Black - German
2.0078 Beer - Cin Cin per il tuo compleanno - Blue/Black - Italian
2.0079 Jolly - Hallo, Hoe gaat het er mee? - White/Black - Dutch
2.0086 with Present - I've got a surprise for you… Happy Birthday! - Red/Yellow - American
2.0086 with Present - ??? - Blue/Yellow - German
2.0088 Traveller - Bon Voyage! - Green/Black - French
2.0090 Jester - You're cute I like you! - Yellow/Black - English
2.0090 Jester - Danke Schooon! - Red/Black - German
2.0092 Papa Conductor - Happy Birthday to You! - Blue/White - English
2.0097 Injuried - Courage et Revenez Vite! Blue/Black - French
2.0097 Injuried - ??? - Blue/Yellow - German
2.0100 Dessert - Have a yummy Birthday - Red/Yellow - American
2.0100 Dessert - Happy Bithday - Yellow/Black - Australian
2.0100 Dessert - Especialy for you on Your Biirthday! - Blue/White - English
2.0100 Dessert - Best Birthday Wishes!! - Blue/Black - English
2.0100 Dessert - Lass Dir Heute den tag Versüssen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! - Blue/Black - German
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby Jekyll » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:05 am
2.0101 - 2.0200

2.0101 Angler - Haven't heard from you Drop me a Line - Yellow/Black - American
2.0102 Archer - You're Smurftastic - Red/Black - Australian
2.0106 Hunter - Das war ein Volltreffer! - Green/Black - German
2.0107 Carnival - Joie et Bonheur pour le Nouvel An! - Yellow/Black - French
2.0111 Cupid - I'm Aiming at your heart!! - Red/White - English
2.0111 Cupid - I'm Aiming at your heart!! - Red/Black - English
2.0111 Cupid - I'm Aiming at your heart! - White/Black - English
2.0111 Cupid - I Love You! - Pink/Black - English
2.0111 Cupid - Cupidon a visé juste Félicitations! - White/Black - French
2.0111 Cupid - Amor hat einen MeisterschuB gelandet! Die besten Wunsche zur Hochzeit - White/Black - German
2.0114 Conjuror/Magician - Zauberei? Du wirst von zu jahr Jünger - Green/Black - German
2.0116 Alchemist - Gut gemixt - Zur Verlobung herzliche Glückwunsch - Red/Black - German
2.0117 Cornucopia - Une Année d'Abondance Joyeuses Paques - White/Black - French
2.0117 Cornucopia - Joie et Réussite Pour un Bon Anniversaire! - Red/Black - French
2.0117 Cornucopia - Viele Gute Wünsche Für Die Feiertage! - Blue/Yellow - German
2.0118 Mushroom Umbrella - Sorry you're under the weather Get Well Soon - Yellow/Black - American
2.0118 Mushroom Umbrella - A day without you is like a day without sunshine! - Yellow/Black - English
2.0118 Mushroom Umbrella - Heureux Anniversaire Yellow/Black - French
2.0119 Smurferman - You're Super Dad!! - White/Black - English
2.0119 Smurferman - Das war Spitze! - Red/Black - English
2.0122 Cowboy - Joyeux Anniversaire! - White/Black - French
2.0124 Santa - Happy Christmas - Red/Black - Australian
2.0124 Santa - Joyeux Noël Bonne Année - White/Black - French
2.0124 Santa - Ich Woltte nur in Verbindung Bleiben... Liebe Grüsse! - Red/Black - German
2.0125 Heart - I'm Aiming at your heart!! - Red/White - ??
2.0126 Rollerskater Smurfette - It's so much fun to Smurf Around with you - Yellow/Black - American
2.0126 Rollerskater Smurfette - Joyeux Anniversaire! - Red/Black - French
2.0127 Superman - You're Smurftastic - Red/Black - Australian
2.0127 Superman - You're my Superman - Red/Black - English
2.0128 Amour - I'm Aiming at your heart!! - Red/Yellow - American
2.0128 Amour - I love you - Orange/Black - Australian
2.0128 Amour - I love you very much! - Blue/Black - English
2.0128 Amour - With Love on Valentine's Day! - White/Black - English
2.0128 Amour - Cupidon a vise juste. Felicitations! - White/Black - French
2.0128 Amour - De tout Coeur je suis avec Vous! - Blue/Black - French
2.0128 Amour - Hai fatto centro - White/Black - Italian
2.0129 Baseball Batter - World's Greatest Baseball Player - Blue/White - American
2.0138 Farmer - Heat' lassen wir mal Andere arbetten! Alles gute! - Red/Black - German
2.0140 Secretary Smurfette - World's best Secretary - Yellow/Black - American
2.0140 Secretary Smurfette - Bonne fete! - Blue/Black - French
2.0142 Mermaid Smurfette - You're cute I like you! - Blue/Black - English
2.0142 Mermaid Smurfette - The World's Best Mum!! - White/Black - English
2.0142 Mermaid Smurfette - Pour Vous au loin Joyeux Anniversaire - Blue/ Black - French
2.0144 Indian Chief - Heda! Ich Gratuliere - Green/Black - German
2.0144 Indian Chief - Heda! Ich Gratuliere - White/Black - German
2.0146 Love Smurfette - Good luck on your Wedding Day! - Yellow /Black - English
2.0148 Bricklayer - Dad You're Grrreat!!! - Blue/Black - English
2.0148 Bricklayer - Dad You're Grrreat!!! - Yellow/Black - English
2.0156 Love Smurfette - With Love on Valentine's Day! - Pink/Black - English
2.0156 Love Smurfette - With Love on Valentine's Day! - Green/Black - English
2.0157 Grouchy - I hate Mondays - Yellow/Black - American
2.0157 Grouchy - Van Jou Word Ik Helemaal Wild! - White/Black - Dutch
2.0157 Grouchy - Ich koennte mich gruen aergern! Konnst Du noch einmal verzeihen! - Yellow/Black - German
2.0158 Hamburger - Have a yummy Birthday - Red/Black - English
2.0159 Violin - You always turn up trumps Thank You! - Yellow/Black - English
2.0160 Apple - Du er til a Spise Opp! - Yellow/Black - Norwegian
2.0163 Soccer Smurfette - I love Soccer - Red/Yellow - American
2.0168 Greedy - World's Greatest Cook! - Blue/White - American
2.0179 Baby with rattle - Congratulations We're potty about your New Baby! - Red/Black - English
2.0196 Thanksgiving Smurfette - The World's Best Mum!! - Blue/Black - English
2.0196 Thanksgiving Smurfette - The World's Best Mum!! - Yellow/Black - English
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby Jekyll » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:06 am

2.0202 Blue Baby with rattle - Bienvenue au bébé. Félicitations! - Yellow/Black - French
2.0202 Pink Baby with rattle - Congratulations We're potty about your New Baby! - White/Black - English
2.0214 Baby with blocks - ??? - Yellow/Black - German
2.0230 Wild - Sono diventato verde dalla rabbia… perché ho saputo la tua età - Yellow/Black - Italian
4.0202 Chimney Sweep - Frohliche Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr! - Red/Yellow - German
4.0202 Chimney Sweep - Good Luck on your Wedding Day! - Red/Yellow - ???
4.0508 Boxer - You're Knockout! - Blue/White - American
4.062201 Snail - Hope your Birthday's like me. Beautiful Wild Unforgettable - Red/Black - English
4.062201 Snail - Hope your Birthday's like me. Beautiful Wild Unforgettable - White/Black - English
4.062201 Snail - Hope your Birthday's like me. Beautiful Wild Unforgettable - Yellow/Black - English
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby Jekyll » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:18 am

American 43
Australian 15
English 63
French 40
German 48
Italian 14
Dutch 3
Unknow 6
Norwegian 2

Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby bundleofkent » Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:45 pm
Hi I will reply later when I get home...your English is great!!


Postby Smurfysmurf » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:53 pm
Good to see a list of the sockels....thanks for the hard work :D

I don't think I can add anything to the list as I don't have any really rare sockels,..just a lot of the more common ones (still my favorite items in my collection next to the displays :cheers: )
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

If you are having problems registering on Blue Cavern, please click the "e-mail" link on my profile and send me an e-mail with your preferred username and e-mail. Thank you :D
Join us on Facebook (private group)

Hidden in the Woods

And follow Hidden in the Woods on Facebook or Twitter

Postby Tojo » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:46 pm
I agree wholeheartedly, this is an excellent list :D

I only have 5 sockels (plus a couple where you can stick a card in the back) & a few Schönwalds so it's great to have an extensive list :beer:

All I need now is to win the lottery....... :) :)
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby CapriSmurf » Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:45 pm
:cheers: Bonus, bought 2.0038 Singer - sanger - you're the greatest mum! - English off ebay listed buy it now about one minute after it went on!

Postby Jekyll » Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:17 am
Thanks to everyone!!

If someone know if among the sockels that i've have listed there are some fake, please write here.

@Caprismurf: you have bought this one? http://www.beyondthemushroom.com/UK14.JPG

I've added it to the list. Is a light red sockel, right?
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby bundleofkent » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:17 am
No it's pink!!

Postby naish510 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:18 am
I love that pink sockel !!!

Postby Jekyll » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:20 am
Thanks bundleofkent, I've corrected it.

There are other errors on the color of the Sockels?
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby Lia » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:52 am
there is also 20067 congratulations in lila/purple

Postby Jekyll » Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:03 am
Thanks Lia, I've added it!!
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby Jekyll » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:37 pm
Someone knows which languages are these?

2.0004 Shiver - Ich Brauche deine Warme! Wann sehen wir uns Wieder? - Red/Black
2.0050 Pointing - Takk Forsist! - Yellow/Black
2.0160 Apple - Du er til a Spise Opp! - Yellow/Black
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]

Postby Smurfysmurf » Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:08 pm
The first one (shiver) is German and means

I need your warmth/When will we see each other again? :D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

If you are having problems registering on Blue Cavern, please click the "e-mail" link on my profile and send me an e-mail with your preferred username and e-mail. Thank you :D
Join us on Facebook (private group)

Hidden in the Woods

And follow Hidden in the Woods on Facebook or Twitter

Postby bundleofkent » Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:53 am
the other 2 are norwegian

Postby Jekyll » Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:39 am
Thanks Maureen, thanks bundleofkent

I've updated them
Sorry for my English

My collection:
Regular 366/392 + (var: 72)
Super 41/75 + (var: 8 )
Christmas+Easter 15/24 + (var: 1)
Historical 0/6 - Sockel 22 - Promo 87 + Others 25
Total 422/497 (var: 81) + (Others: 134) =>[637]
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