I was thinking about one thing when I displayed smurfs on the BP shelves.
On the picture you see all smurfs that was made before 1976. Meaning the ones in the 1975 Bully catalogue.
All these have one thing in common. All smurfs made then did not have either Schleich- or Bully-markings. Only Peyo-markings. A lot of smurfs used in promotion only have peyo markings, since they were made for other companies.
We know Schleich says in their book they in the beginning made the smurfs for BP. And that for me would explain why the first ones did not have any Schleichmarkings. They also write´that later because of the success they started producing smurfs to sell on their own.
I almost seems similair with Bully. And that would then explain why they made unmarked smurfs in the beginning. We know they made smurfs for Waldbaur without Bullymarkings.
So I think the reason Bully got the old Schleichmolds could have been that Peyo wanted also these to be used in the BP promotion. So then Bully removed the emblems. So the reason was maybe not initially that Bully wanted to make these to sell themselves. ???
Approximatly the same time as the movie is made Bully starts to mark the smurfs with their companyname.
But I have other figurines made by Bully before 1976 and they also are unmarked, so it could be that they just didn´t think it was necessary??