Yes that is cruel,
But I am happy that I got another display on it´s way to me also. Together with some nice smurfs to help me with the historyinvestigations.
It is intersting that the BP shelves could be genuine both with the old smurf, painted like the old Schleichsmurfs. But also with the new colours they used around 1977. Therefore I will display the BP shelves with the Bully-smurfs from 1977, like on the ad Lia posted. And then use the smurfs made by Bully in 1975/76 for the Bullydisplay sold in germany then.
That way those two displays will be different but still 100% accurate with the correct smurfs.
Eventhough both displays were actually sold during the same time but in different countries.
Was that to much information in those sentences to make sence to you?
It is hard to write and think at the same time, at least for a man?