Hi Kath,
great addition to your collection. I did not by the loose BP myself and got it the first time with the playset from Australia. But I am pretty sure it was sold as a loose figurine also. The marking is the same though. The BP playset must have been sold for a extremly short time since nobody seems to have it?? And it is interesting to see that it contained a yellow dot BP smurf attendant. Could be that all BP attendant was made like that and the intention was to sell the BP playset early also in Europe. But like all promotions the are not everlasting and the BP promotion in Holland had ended when it was made. The BP promotion in UK had their variation in the National Benzole playset. And could be that the BP smurf-promotion in Australia also was declining?? So they desided not to make them and only a few were made before they stopped??
The marking however is exactly the same as yours, since you asked that.
There is a BP station used as a museum close to where I live and I still have not got there to take some nice pictures of my BP-attendant together with the Bp station. Inside they have a lot of old BP-items and it could be fun adding some smurfitems before taking the picture???