All I know about these is that the rubber band gets very brittle l with time and I suppose once it goes people can put anything in it's place to make the super look more complete. That is my guess on the yarn version you have pictures as it really does look like a pieced together project! As for markings my rocking horse has made in hong kong 1981 peyo schleich on both the smurf and horse. My trapeze has W berrie co hong kong 1983 peyo on the smurf and base of trapeze.
I agree with you Gerda that many collectors and sellers replace the rubberband when it breaks or gets in bad shape. So many of these rubberbands are probably not the original ones.
For example my rockinghorse does not have the original rubberband, because that one was broken and I added one one the picture just to show approximatly how it was sold. I believe you have the original rubberband Gerda in your boxed one. The rubberband has a matte red colour. For me in this case the horse without the holes are very nice though and a "must have" variation.
My horse with glued band is most definatly a homemade one but are there genuine ones? I have my doubts. My Trapeze super with rubberbands on the other hand came sealed in original box and I believe they are genuine.
Regarding the markings on these ones.
Rocking horse made in Hongkong:
1. Without holes on horse and sold with rubberbands only for 1-1,5 years. Markings made in Hongkong on both horse and smurf.
2. With holes and plastic bridle with only made in Hongkong on horse and smurf. Also sold for about 1-1,5 years.
3. With holes and plastic bridle and added W Berrie markings on both horse and smurf. Made until they stopped making these in 1985.
For the rocking horse super there are also germanmade variations.
The Trapezemold was only made in Hongkong.
1. sold in US in 1983/84 without loops and with rubberbands first 1-1,5 years. Marked W Berrie etc.
2. Same marking with loops and without rubberbands sold only for a few years also before they stopped making these in 1985/86.
After this they blocked the HK markings on this mold and marked in Germany instead. This was sold until 1991 and can be found with and without CE markings on both smurf and tree. And the black dot is common on these so they were sometimes painted outside EC and sold inside EC.
So 2 german markingvariations of this super are possible.