When ones tries to understand smurf figurine's history, many times one read about the different Smurf collectors clubs and forum or seller-collectors.
I would be grateful if some of you could tell me more about people who are not on web anymore but contributed to the story of collecting :
- the Smurf collector club, then SCCI for international - I have read on Maureen's website - has been founded by Suzanne Lipschitz in 1986 in the USA. Here on Blue cavern we can read the SCCI letters, that is a great luck. The last letter dates from 2000 so I guess the club ended that moment ? Did some of you belong to the SCCI and could speak about it ?
- Blue cavern is I think a forum that endures, even if not very active nowadays. Was it founded by Rachel alone or in association with other UK collectors ? In 2004 ?
- The British collectors club : who managed it ? when ? it does not exist anymore, does it ?
- Mushroom village ?
- Kitty's cavern ?
One of the reasons why I ask you that is also about the informations that you could get in these sites.
For example, I remember visiting Kitty's cavern ones and saw many interesting datas ; same with the British collectors club (or was it another club ?) where you could find original BP archives scanned. It is a pity that all these informations are lost in a way.