Wow! In my first post, I disparaged Garg's castle and other expensive smurf buildings. Opened my windmill a couple of days early, though, and wow--that's a real toy. I have an engineering degree and was amazed by the mechanical efficiency of it--! The windmill, with it's neon yellow exterior, looks junky in the pictures (especially compared to the first release), but up close--it looks fantastic. It exerts a "presence" unlike the rather unassuming large mushroom house (which I grew up with).
1) Can anyone cite ideas for the windmill powering other smurf gadgets (improvised or officially Schleich)? Not merely aesthetic, the windmill actually does something! I'm guessing it is supposed to work in conjunction with the conveyor belt playset, but I doubt I'll find that anytime soon.
2) Was the windmill originally designed to have a base? It has a lot of grooves and notches in the base that serve no function.