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Postby DrunkSmurf » Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:50 pm
Hi, watch out for several on-line toy shops in Florida (USA) that list the Western Set in their toy catalogs (as though they retained an old inventory). They say they have it new for $15, but if you order it, they sit on the order (because it's out of stock), then you have to nag and nag until they concede it's out of stock and cancel the order.

They sell through a common distributor which hasn't (apparently) updated its listing in two or three years. I won't mention names (my money was refunded), but if you have a suspicion I'll be glad to answer.

Alas, when I last reported I had acquired a Western Set, I fear I was goosed. The store at least cancelled the order and credited my charge card. I notice a lot of small merchants debit the charge card before checking the inventory. Then, when a problem occurs (like if you ordered the discontinued western set or the band smurfs) they don't get off their bums to explain the problem. Guess they just hope I'll forget :???:

Postby attombomb7 » Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:33 am
sounds awful!! :( :( :( :(
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Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:52 am
That's really lousy and unprofessional of them Tim. I am glad you at least got your money back though.


Postby Guest » Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:40 am
I had the same problem with the Farmhouse. I ordered it from a UK website and I phoned them two weeks later and they said it was due in. I urged them to double-check because I knew I didn't receive any that I ordered and finally a month later they refunded my money, they realised they were out of stock. I found it frustrating Christmas shopping online because I would order stuff only to get an email later saying it was out of stock.

Fram queried with me a long while ago why you can only add 1 of each item to cart on my website. I told him it is because I only show 1 in stock of everything I have, although I may have more. Then when I make up the order if I have another one of these items I show it as being back in stock on the website. This way, the only way I could be out of stock is if I made a mistake, that's happened just once since I started so not too bad. Also like at Christmas when everyone was chasing Farmhouses in the UK it stops one person coming along and buying up all my stock at once, it keeps it fair for collectors. I know I could miss out where someone might want two of the same smurf but I figure they can email me. When the new smurfs come in I will put a quantity into stock because chances are I might have a few customers trying to order at the same time, but other than that I am very careful.

I know that Schleich North America didn't get any Farmhouses either, although I think they did take some school playsets.

A competitor here in the UK tried phoning all over the world to get the farmhouses, he had accepted orders for stock he didn't have. He phoned Toys R Us stores all over the world, he mentioned he phoned Toys R Us Portugal and also other places all over the world, I think as far afield as China. The only place I know you can get them is Australia. Someone in Japan bought all my wholesaler's buildings.

So don't underestimate the newer items, they can become hard to find very quickly.

Postby Rachel » Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:52 am
Thanks for the warning Tim and reminding us that this type of thing unfortunately happens all too often on the internet. That is why it is even more important to check before you buy, personally I try and stick with sellers / shops that I have already used and know I can trust. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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