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Postby bundleofkent » Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:18 pm
Ok for this one I think it's easier to include those I DON'T believe ever had HK markings (Bully or Schleich):


27 thinking
28 gardener(Not sure on this one poss. bigger mold?)
58 champion
61 conductor
67 congrats
68 kicker2
72 trumpet 2
79 laughing
82 shy
84 handstand
96 hammer
119 superman
125 heart
154 sign
155 vehicle
156 love girl(?)
176 st pat
177 t/giving
196 pie
211 b/ball
then from 218 to present day.

Also easter and xmas smurfs?????


201 sled
202 sweep
206 gardener(??)
209 b/fly catcher
248 to more modern supers

Of interest the XMAS ANGEL is a HK marking as I've had this one up close. I'm not sure about the other 2 super rare xmas smurfs.

Please correct/add as you feel



Postby Rachel » Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:08 am
Hi Martin, great post. :D

Off hand, having had a quick look through my site plus catalogues I can't find anything that is different to what you have said. I will try and look into it a bit more because I am sure we have discussed quite a few smurfs here that are not found in the catalogues. :cheers:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:20 am
Hi Martin

I have checked my collection and the Katalog again and have come up with these HK ones but I am sure you have already taken most of these into account but I will list them anyway just incase:

20028 Gardener (large mould)
20216 Tux
20217 Gown
20498 Johan
20499 Pewit
20502 Benjamin Franklin
4062201 Snail

I don't have any HK Easter smurfs and the Katalog doesn't mention any either but there are HK Christmas ornaments in my collection such as:

51901 smurf w/ christmas tree
51903 Papa w/ toy sack
51905 smurf caroling
51907 (fake) smurf riding candy cane
51908 smurf w/ drum (* according to the katalog, I don't have this one)
51909 s/ette caroling

I am sure you have also taken into account the Olympic supers (40501-40512) who all have a HK variation.

I hope this helps


Postby bundleofkent » Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:38 am
Thanks Dyar and Rachel.

I hadn't taken the tux and gown into consideration or the xmas smurfs-thanks. I have a feeling there is a kicker2 HK. I will check with angelsmurf as he has a smurf markings database.


Postby Fram » Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:34 pm
A few more: 20232 Gargamel (W.Berrie Hong Kong, version 7 in the catalogue IV).
As Dyar said: 51905 Xmas with candle, 51907 on candy cane, and 51908 drumming.
Supers: 40224 Teacher Papa, 40228 Rocking chair Papa, 40235 Bathing, 40237 Trapeze, 40242 Baywatch, 40243 Diver, 40505 Icehockey, 40508 Boxer.

These are the ones I'm sure of for now, I haven't catalogued them well enough to be certain of all of them (I sometimes only noted W.Berrie, without specifying the country :x ).
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:
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