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Postby Lia » Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:38 am
not sure whether dealer or manufacturer??

When I wrote them for more info, they answered this:

"wir bedanken uns für Ihre E-Mail vom 16.02.2011. Leider können wir Ihnen keine Aussage über Ihren erworbenen Schlumpf machen, da unser Archiv nicht vollständig ist und dieser Schlumpf mit Sicherheit vor einigen Jahrzehnten produziert wurde."

they say that his smurfs was produced a few decades ago, I assume they they produced it??


Postby André » Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:33 am
I think you could be right Lia!

They probably made those. When making smurfs out of this material I would say dollmanufacturers are perfect. The material is probably the same as the heads for the dolls?? :-? :D

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Lia » Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:29 am
no, it`s different. Schildkröt is famous for it`s celluloid dolls.
The smurf, of course, is softer material, it`s a squeeky toy, right? :lol:


Postby André » Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:49 am
Thanks Lia!

I don´t know that much about dolls! :lol: Except the ones my daughters have. But they are not collectorsitems. At least not now. :lol: They many times has these softer rubberlike heads.

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:03 am
@André: Thanks for posting that ISI ad. I bought a set of those about six years ago. Those ISI smurfs are some kind of beanies. :D I will take a pic of mine over Christmas and post them here after the holidays. :D

Postby André » Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:49 am
@André: Thanks for posting that ISI ad. I bought a set of those about six years ago. Those ISI smurfs are some kind of beanies. :D I will take a pic of mine over Christmas and post them here after the holidays. :D

Great Dom,

I would love to see how they look. :D

Are they dressed in Silver and Gold? :cheers:

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:14 am

Postby André » Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:29 am
How would you translate the ad Dom. :-?

It seems you should buy ISI smurfs and in the packing you get the form to fill in and try to win the gold and silver smurfs. Is that correct?

Maybe those ones were completly different??? Could be smaller ones for a necklace??

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:38 am
How would you translate the ad Dom. :-?

It seems you should buy ISI smurfs and in the packing you get the form to fill in and try to win the gold and silver smurfs. Is that correct?
You're absolutely right, but the text reads that the cards were available in toystores and warehouses as well.
Maybe those ones were completly different??? Could be smaller ones for a necklace??
That would make sense, but I have never seen any of them at a fleamarket. (They could be similar, yet only distinguising by material though.)

Mine are still in package, but I can't remember whether a formula was attached or not.
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