I got a question from a member regarding boxes for Gargamel and Azrael. I thought it is better to put the answer here if any of you other collectors have more boxes or wants to correct me, because many times I am wrong about these smurfs. Still learning.
I have 4 boxes for this super. One of them is not in the picture, but I have it somewhere.
But I have been told this super also was sold in the UK-box. This I don´t have.
Yet. So this super was sold in 5 different boxes. The one I have but is not on the picture is the HK(Hongkong)-box, but instead of "as seen on NBC", it says "as seen on TV". I will take a picture of the 4 of them later. There are 2 different HK-gargamels in front of the HK-box with different marking and one with very red/pink face and one with very white/beige face. One W.Berrie-marked one without.
Regarding this super it should not have any CE-markings. If Gargamel has any CE-markings it was sold as normal smurf. This also goes "opposite way". No normal Gargamel like this without CE-marking, then it belongs together with a Azrael in a box. This is my guess, but maybe some of you other collectors know more about this.
The 2 versions in the front are the 2 most common normalsmurfs from these ones I guess. Bully and the CE-marked with other colours on the lab-glasses.
Have I missed something????