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PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:27 pm
by Smurfysmurf
Good Job on getting this one, Andre :cheers:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:37 pm
by André
Thanks Maureen and Dyar.

And Dyar you know your website have been a great inspiration for me and there are still many nice smurfs, accessories and boxes on your site which I am still looking for. :-D


PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:21 pm
by Syd Smurf
Thanks Andre....I would of thought you had all of the ones I have. You've given me so many more to find now too :?


PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:41 am
by André
OK boxcollectors. :D

New info again. At least for some of you I hope.

I have now bought one of the boxes Dyar has on his website, that I was missing.

It is the CE version of the germanbox for the small cottage.

These 2 have some differences. The thing most people notice first is the Schleich-logo on the cardboardpart where you could hang the box if you want. The old box don´t have this Schleich-writing.



PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:46 am
by André
these are the oldest boxes without the Schleichwriting on the top and without the barcode and information under the box.

It is the same on both the UK-box and the german box.

The writing on the back says "printed in germany". On the CE boxes it says "Made in germany" instead.



PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:50 am
by André
these are the newer germanbox-versions with information and barcode under the box. The Italianbox and new germanbox. These also has the Schleichwriting on the top.

On the adress information on the back these also has CE-markings.



PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:52 am
by André
I also found another roofmarking.

CEmarked and W.Germany.

Looks like one I have with made in germany instead of W.Germany.



PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:42 pm
by stampysmurf
I got this box years ago off of Ebay. It didn't have the green roof cottage though. It had a red roof with missing pieces. Must have been something that the salesperson threw together to try to make a set.



PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:55 am
by André
Thanks for the pictures Norma.

I have this box also. It is the hongkong-box and you can see it on the pictures before in this thread. I have only seen this version of the "printed in hongkong"-box. You can have both red and green roofed cottages with hongkongmarkings in this box. I don´t think there are any hongkongmarked blue roof. They should also have darkbrown doors and windows if you don´t have the rare olivegreen versions that Gerda has.

The box I have was sold at toys r us and still has the pricetags.

First it was sold for 1.97 USD and then it was on sale for 0.93 USD. :)


PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:06 pm
by stampysmurf
Thanks Andre,
Don't you wish they were still those prices! :) My cottage has the red roof and brown window trim. It came without the door :( I bought it years ago off of Ebay way back when most things only had an item description, no pictures to see what you were getting.