Don't panic just yet, the seller might just be busy x-mas shopping or swarmed with work before the hollydays.
Check the seller's feedback on e-bay. Even if they're all in german (I doubt it) you can still see if he's got a few neutral or negatives... if only possitive you can relax a little.
This ain't the best time to buy online, since the post offices are full of ppl sending all sorts of stuff thru the mail.
Biggest scare I had since starting in the online auction buying, was last month, when I won 2 auctions from a seller. Only e-mail he sent me was the charge for the auctions plus porto. However, porto was in my opinion over charged by 4,6€, so I mailed him back for explainations. I never recieved a reply. After 2 or 3 days I decided to transfere the money to him anyway - cause I really wanted that castle (check the december competition
)! I mailed him again and said I had transfered the money, even though he never replyed to me and that I would be very mad if the pack that arrived at my house didn't cost that extra 4,6Euro to send.
After a week, it still hadn't arrived... so I decided to check his feedback... he add 0 feedback, he was a new seller! I totaly panic at that point and wondered if I had sent money out the window.... A day later he had 1 possitive feedback... I relaxed a little.
But it took another few days for my pack to arrive. And yes I was right, he had overcharged in post!
I was right about to write him back, again, complaining about the overcharge, when I decided to open the pack and make sure the castle was inside. To my suprise, the change of the post (4,6Euro) was inside the pack.
As well as the castle. So I did gave him a possitive feedback, though I wrote about lack of communication.
Wow, sorry, that ended up being longer that I first intended.