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Brazilian hering

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:18 pm
by Gerda
on the same line of the argentina mini models I just posted in the other thread I was wondering if list of the brazilian hering smurfs was ever made?
I got my first one today with clear markings of Hering made in Brazil Peyo schleich. the one I got is the chef with spoon. How many of these where made :-?


ps.. again if i'm blind as a bat and this has been discussed already please point me to it

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:27 pm
by Smurfysmurf
There is a list on here somewhere, Gerda.

I will post it when I find it :D

Quite a few members have a lot of them.

Myself, I have "only" three....but not the one you have

Congratulations on getting your first one :cheers:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:29 pm
by Smurfysmurf

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:37 pm
by Pitufo
As far as I know only 23 smurfs were made in Brazil. They were displayed in a house (you can see it at Christy´s website) ... uPage.html

Some of the smurfs from Brazil have not markings so, it is difficult to clasify them. And even more strange: I have bought recently three smurfs from Brazil that seem to have deleted the markings. like someone has tried to delete them (something like the deleted Bully markings)

The 23 smurfs I consider as brasilian are the smurfs on the link Maureen posted, but if you have a look at Christy´s web, she doesn´t include 20034 and she has 20069. :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? Really don´t know: I have bought twice complete lots of brazilian and they both had 20034 but haven´t 20069...So my list is the same than Cheesy posted.

Hope it helps

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:27 pm
by Gerda
Thanks guys, always nice to have an extra bunch of eyes helping me out :)

I think I may have more then as I have some that are marked out that then just have the peyo schleich,

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:36 am
by naish510
Hi Joaquin,

I do have the 20034 Smurfette but i have totaly forgotten to put her on my website :) :) , she has no markings.
The 20069 Jungle comes also from Brazil. I bought the houses and the smurfs from a Brazilian collector. I wasn't sure about the jungle too but he told me that he was sure it was a Hering smurf. The colours, paint job and the shape of the jungle is very different from the original one.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:12 am
by Smurfysmurf
If some of them have no markings is there another way to tell if you have one?

I wouldn't have known if mine were Brazil Herings if it had not been for the markings :-?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:02 pm
by Pitufo
I do have the 20034 Smurfette but i have totaly forgotten to put her on my website Smile Smile , she has no markings.
Hi, Christy...Nice to hear from you

If you have forgotten it...what are you waiting to put her in your web????? :) :) :) :) :) :)

It is strange all about the hering smurfs...Why some of them have not markings???? :-? :-? :-? :-? I am not sure 100% but I would say only 23 smurfs were sold for being displayed in the house, and we have now 24 :) :) :) :) :) :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:00 am
by Guest
I only count the Herings with markings. These are 22. IMO the only one without markings belongs to the first series is the smurfette.

So this 23. If ever anyone will find another Hering with markings except this 23 I would be surprised :) :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:27 pm
by Pitufo
So this 23. If ever anyone will find another Hering with markings except this 23 I would be surprised Smile Smile
I agree Tine: the smurfs fro the display/house are the 22 with markings and another one, that I would say it is the smurfette 20034. But isn´t it strange 22 have markings and only one has not???Perhpas it is because of the size of smurfette????

All the lots with brazilian smurfs have those smurfs and none has tried to sell to me a different smurf telling it is brazilian, so I will be surprised too if another smurf with hering markings appears

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:05 am
by Guest

I thought the same about smurfette's size and the missing markings.
:) :)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:51 pm
by naish510
I do have the 20034 Smurfette but i have totaly forgotten to put her on my website Smile Smile , she has no markings.
Hi, Christy...Nice to hear from you

If you have forgotten it...what are you waiting to put her in your web????? :) :) :) :) :) :)

It is strange all about the hering smurfs...Why some of them have not markings???? :-? :-? :-? :-? I am not sure 100% but I would say only 23 smurfs were sold for being displayed in the house, and we have now 24 :) :) :) :) :) :)
Hi Joaquin,

I'm not able to work on my website anymore but i'm doing my best to get put my new website on the internet soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the smurfette will be there too. :D :D

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:35 am
by Smurf1303
Interesting post. I don't have any of these sort of smurfs. Did you all just find them on ebay, since I've first read about them I've been looking out but not seen any come up for sale :( . Are they more commonly found in some countries than others?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:38 am
by Smurfysmurf
I've had no luck either, Helen.

My Papa was sheer luck as I didn't even know I had him until I went thru my markings and came across it and posted about it here asking what in the world that smurf was :) :) :) He must have been in a smurf lot I bought on ebay, as I would have never bought a Papa smurf by itself.

Since then I picked two others up that I bought on ebay from fellow forum members :cheers:

But these were the only ones I have seen so far on ebay :-?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:49 pm
by Pitufo
A bad quality pic...Sorry

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:00 pm
by Smurfysmurf
I would love to get my hands on that one :gimme: