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Smurf Schleich houses at Toys R Us

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:23 pm
by Smurfysmurf
I went to Toys R us today to check for the new smurfs, and since I have learned to expect the unexpected, I also checked out the area in which the store sells the non smurf Schleich items....and guess what I found :-D

A very welcome sight for sore eyes :cheers:


PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:33 pm
That is awesome Smurfysmurf.
and the prices are not too shabby!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:59 pm
by Tojo
And in the new boxes too :-D

Things are looking up for smurf collectors in the US :D

I bought a couple of those schleich elves for Sara recently & she loves playing with them.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:01 pm
by bwalters
I check that area most of the time when I go to Toys R Us. But not the last couple of times. I guess I should start checking again.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:16 pm
by eggie smurf
I find it so odd that Moey's, Bill's and my TRU all seem to have different items. Mine don't have the little beanies or the PVCs or the houses yet Bill's has the beanies and Moey's has the houses. You'd think they would all order the same stuff. I also check the tags on the shelves too and there isn't even anywhere in my store that would have them since there's no price stickers.

Moey, if it's not much trouble, can you pick up the new "Peyo Creations" Drummer set and smaller cottages? :smile: I doubt my TRU will get them since there isn't a spot for them! If you can't, no worries :D

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:42 pm
by bwalters
Now that you mentioned stickers Staci. My Toys R Us have the benies but there isn't a sticker on the shelves to say how much they are. I had to walk one of the benies to one of those price checkers. My Toys R Us has the houses too. I just don't think I have mentioned them. And as far as I know they don't have all regular Smurf houses and playsets.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:53 am
by steveparkes
Oh to be able to go into a UK TRU and find this stuff :???:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:26 am
by Smurfysmurf
I find it so odd that Moey's, Bill's and my TRU all seem to have different items. Mine don't have the little beanies or the PVCs or the houses yet Bill's has the beanies and Moey's has the houses. You'd think they would all order the same stuff. I also check the tags on the shelves too and there isn't even anywhere in my store that would have them since there's no price stickers.

Moey, if it's not much trouble, can you pick up the new "Peyo Creations" Drummer set and smaller cottages? :smile: I doubt my TRU will get them since there isn't a spot for them! If you can't, no worries :D
No problem, Stace :D

I went to another TRU yesterday but that one didn't have the Schleich houses either, so apparently it really depends on the store :-?

Both of mine did have the new action packs, the windmill and also the old Playalong houses but not the playsets or beanies.

For some reason both Targets I went to have the new "ugly" beanies (they aren't that ugly when you see them "in person") but no new playsets, which I thought was odd. Hopefully, Walmart will have them soon :cheers:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:46 am
by bwalters
My TRU doesn't have the new playsets either, but I do. :) :) Maybe once the stores see that people are buying the Smurfs they will all start to carry all of the stuff.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:13 am
by xxeaglesfanxx
thats awesome! i wonder if my toys r us have those.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:45 pm
by bwalters
If not eaglesfan let me know I have an extra set of them.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:33 am
by xxeaglesfanxx
If not eaglesfan let me know I have an extra set of them.
i went there yesterday and sure enough they did :). they even had some individual ones there. i got a smurfette with a flower and pink purse, the newer chimney sweep smurf, and than the gargamel lab & the drummer :cheers: . i was super excited when i saw they had those. they also had the two houses but i dont really have the room to be getting all obsessed with the houses and all too lol