Well, I think as with many of these it is quite a silly game, but whenever I think of something like that...it becomes a hit under the youngsters...
Am I getting old?
These "Skatterz" are fiches, size is aprox 4 x 4 cm.
You can pile them up, they stick together through the little dots/bumps which you see o a Skatterz.
The translation of the game rules on the back of the box:
Collect, with your friends, as many Skatterz as possible, and pile them on top of eachtother.
Trow the pile hard on the floor (...ah..skatter them on the floor..is the best translation ofcours)
Fast, collect as many possile Skatterz!
Count your points! Give your friends for the next game the tasks which are on the "Crazy Skatterz".
The first to collect 30 points wins the game!
There are 18 different Skatterz, 12 with points
(for instance Opa/Grandpa and Smurfette are 3 points)
5 with tasks
(for instance Luilaksmurf/Lazy with skip a turn)
and on mega Skatter, ofcours Grote Smurf/Papa, the only red skatter with 10 points.
Exciting game isn't it?
Greetings Ron