The floor in the room, where I store my smurfs was as old as Methusalem, but it took me quite some time to decide to take a new floor.
Finally I found the courage to take everything out ( including all my glasscupboards and smurfs) and this week, I got a new floor!
And an extra cupboard!
Since there is a terible snowstorm today , even the spidersweb is frozen, ( hardly any traffic, no busses, no football matches, no nothing) and I cannot leave my house, it`s a perfect day to put the smurfs back in the cupboards. So..hundreds, or probably thousands of smurfs are going through my hands and I have now more space for my supersmurfs , my nice basketball smurfs with coloured balls, etc. Even the band from`98 can be stored.
I found some old orange Belgian smurfs that I would like to know more about.
Are they Dupuis? I know 6 exist, no markings.
Does anyone know?