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new Smurfs 2011: 5 displayboxes each with 5 smurfs

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:12 am
by angelsmurf
It's no longer a secret:

Schleich brings 2011 a set of 5 boxes each with 5 smurfs as a 50 years celebration (???). Price in Germany 18,50 Euro each box. I have a pic but should not publish it at the moment.

We will see what the markings are at the older smurfs

No 41255 = 1960 - 1969:
20001 Papa
20002 Normal
20007 Schwarzer
20008 Verschwörer
20009 Trommler

No 41256 = 1970 - 1979:
20031 Brieftraeger
20037 Arzt
20042 Kuechenchef
20045 Kunstmaler
20098 Ballerina

No 41257 = 1980 - 1989:
20117 Fuellhorn
20138 Gaertner
20145 Bauer mit Sense
20152 Mueller
20160 Apfel

No 41258 = 1990 - 1999:
20440 Wettschwimmer
20441 Sprinter
20457 Aerobicschlumpfine
20460 Golf
20468 Kletterer

No 41259 = 2000 - 2009:
20525 Torwart
20526 Bankdruecker
20527 Spielmacher
20531 Fan Schlumpfine
20532 Manager

The boxes looks very similar to the one from Toys R Us, discussed in this topic,
except the new 2011 ones have a sticker or a print in the left top corner of background where the tree is, telling e.g. "1960-1969 EDITION"

This is a pic in this topic from André :D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:20 am
by Lia
That`s great news, especially for André! :)
Will be vey inteesting to see the markings!!

thanks Stefan!


PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:26 am
by André

You know me Lia!!! :-D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:29 am
by Tintin

Not sure what to think..........
If they all have the new markings we can add a lot.
But i rather had 8 new smurfs then this.
So if there are no new ones i am going to be dissapointed.

Greetings Tintin

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:40 am
by Smurfysmurf
Excellent news....I do wonder what the display boxes will look like, but I am excited that they are bringing back some of the classics..and "real" smurfs :cheers:

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:59 am
by Gerda
I hope these are just an add on to the year and not what to expect. Have they ever not released smurfs but only put a box set out? do you know if these are only in germany? I sure hope not! because I want!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:17 am
by Pitufo
I would prefer new smurfs too, like Tintin...I really can´t understand why to do this when we have just celebrate the 52 nniversary, no 50th

Of course I WILL BUY THEM!!!jejejejeje

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:56 am
by angelsmurf
Have they ever not released smurfs but only put a box set out? do you know if these are only in germany?
I think there were some years they didn't release new smurfs nor new accessoiries, the catalogues will show when...

I don't know if these new boxes will be available outside Germany or Europe, but I hope so for all of you :D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:51 am
by Tintin

And normaly Schleich release 50 smurfs, i count only 25 ??

The boxes released in the US are art nr 41244 / 41248
and these are 41255 / 41259 ???

Were did 41249 / 41254 go ??????

I have a lot of questions with the new ones.
Hopefully they release some new models to.............


PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:42 am
by Cassiebsg
Must say am disapointed, specially if there won't be new ones out. :???:
There's a chance here to grab a few of the ones I'm missing/are in bad condition. but since they're in boxes of 5 and not individually, I doubt I'll buy any. :(

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:16 am
by angelsmurf
And normaly Schleich release 50 smurfs, i count only 25 ??
That's another question, if Schleich will expand the number of actual smurfs 2011 to more than 50? :-?

Maybe they continue with the 50 smurfs from 2010 or replace a few and the boxes are additional? :-?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:35 am
by Tintin
Hi Angelsmurf

Yes maybe the boxes they released in the US are coming out in Europe to, to make it to the 50 ................

First i was excited to hear Schleich would bring out old smurfs, but i hoped for new molds .......................
I am happy that they are in boxes because i love the ones from the US, and it's great that all will have the new marking............
But i am dissapointed that they used old molds.
We will see.

Greetings Tintin

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:39 am
by André
I assume these are just like the ones sold in US just displayboxes. And has nothing to do with the new smurfs??? At least that is what I am hoping!! But I am also very happy to have these old smurfs back!!!

I hope they are just getting prepared like Schleicher told us for the movie, and then extend the range of smurfs??? So let´s hope there will be more exiting news from Schleich many times before the movie hits the theatres??? :-? :D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:22 am
by Tracker Smurf
Hmmm...excited but could get expensive.... (especially since there are a lot in here that my daughter and I don't have) would like some new smurfs too though...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:23 am
by André
Regarding the articlenumbers Frank.

Schleicher told us this and he always gives us qualityinformation. Note the (yet?).

"* Schleich doesn't throw away old molds
* Schleich is aware that there is a movie somewhere out there, although it hasn't hit Germany, yet.
* Don't expect accessories (yet?) "

If I read between the lines I am hoping and thinking that that Schleich probably already have a few more items with the articlenumbers missing ready?? You know me and I would really love some of the playsets released again. Like snailcarriage, gardenset, mushroomset.

And off course a large playset with house, accessories and smurfs together. Like the playalong sets??

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:33 am
by Tintin
Hi Andre

Yes i know you a bit, and those are the answers i would love to hear.
But even more from Schleich :-D

I hope indeed there will be more coming out.
If this is all when they know there will be a movie in 2011 then............
There must be more .................................... right ?


PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:45 am
by bundleofkent
They could of done some colour variations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big chance they've missed in my opinion

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:56 am
by Azrael
Just crap. Skimmed this story. If there are really schleich spies on this forum then please pass on my sadness at this sad state of affairs where money-making has trumped originality.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:32 pm
by Smurfysmurf
I really feel like the odd one out again :)

I am very excited they are re-releasing some of the older smurfs...this time with new markings and as we know new paint (which changed from what they used 20 years ago).

I would guess that most of these won't stay long in production so the chances of them becoming rare variation are pretty good... :-D

Personally, I got so tired in the last few years with new molds that didn't even look like smurfs (Halloween, Indians, this year) that I love the fact, Schleich is going back to the basics.

A playset or two would be the icing on the cake :cheers:

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:34 pm
by André
Hi Andre

Yes i know you a bit, and those are the answers i would love to hear.
But even more from Schleich :-D

I hope indeed there will be more coming out.
If this is all when they know there will be a movie in 2011 then............
There must be more .................................... right ?

I think we all want new smurfs since we are collectors!

Do you think Schleich will start selling them in boxes instead of loose smurfs. Like, I think Gerda wrote before, many toystoreowners don´t like small loose items. But that seems very unlikely??? :-? Smurfs have always been sold loose and the animals will be hard to sell in boxes???

There is also one good thing with these boxes compared to the US boxes. They all contain different smurfs. I still can´t understand how Schleich was thinking when putting set 41245 and 41248 together. Exactly the same smurfs but for the same price you get azrael also in set 41245?? That for me is stupid?? Who would buy 41248 unless there are someone really badly wanting 21245 but hate cats??? :o :lol: