How long have you been collecting smurfs?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:53 pm
I have a question for you.
It is always intersting to know how your collectionhabits have envolved, transformed, stopped and started. So when did you start collecting and have you continued all the time or have you had breaks?
I started collecting smurfs with my brother when the Bully-era started in around 1976( I am actually almost exactly as old as when Schleich made the first PVC smurfs, born in 1966 ). Probably had to do with the movie release and the amount of smurffigurines showed in the stores.
I still remember exactly in which store I bought my smurfs.
Then we stopped collecting around 1979/80.
And started again in around 2003 if I remember correct. My Children loved playing with my old smurfs stored at my parents place. So I got them back and started collecting again.
How long have you been collecting smurfs?
It is always intersting to know how your collectionhabits have envolved, transformed, stopped and started. So when did you start collecting and have you continued all the time or have you had breaks?
I started collecting smurfs with my brother when the Bully-era started in around 1976( I am actually almost exactly as old as when Schleich made the first PVC smurfs, born in 1966 ). Probably had to do with the movie release and the amount of smurffigurines showed in the stores.
I still remember exactly in which store I bought my smurfs.
Then we stopped collecting around 1979/80.
And started again in around 2003 if I remember correct. My Children loved playing with my old smurfs stored at my parents place. So I got them back and started collecting again.
How long have you been collecting smurfs?