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fake yellow diver

PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:18 pm
by attombomb7

I am so thrilled I won this fake yellow diver!

I had a bid on him all week for $1.

and it was coming up this afternoon ..and I had to go out xmas shopping!

I had never seen this smurf myself before! and for my fake collection he is WOW!! to me:)

anyway I placed a huge high bid on it before I left of $57.usa just in case..and went out at noon..

I just got back and its 10:23 and hoped I had won!!

WELL lucky me --no one bid!! thank god!! hehehe


PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:27 pm
by Syd Smurf
Hi Attom

I got quite excited when I saw this :shock: until I scrolled down to see your name there


I know he means a lot more to you than he would to me so I am really happy for you and the fact that no one else bidded means you got something really valuable to you at an incredible price. I think he looks really cool.

:D :-D :D

:cheers: Congrats :cheers:

:) :) Dyar :) :)

PS - Overkill on emoticons but did you notice no traces of a :dancing: .....BUGGER...I messed up again :banghead:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:14 pm
by attombomb7
hey !
thanks dyar

you know he is probably worthless..but I like him.. he is a kool fake for me..

its these that I find the most fun with! when you get the simple ones!!

he is a bit funny looking too!..I hope he doesn't melt?? :) :)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:31 am
by pekkelien
good price :D

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:08 am
by Syd Smurf
I think he looks really funny as well as being very cool...he can be called the Custard Diver.



PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:03 am
by Rachel
Fantastic diver Attom, would you class him as a raw or a fake?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:37 am
by Syd Smurf
I've had this dilema recently Rachel as I have a Fake & then a Raw section in my katalog listings and then I come across one of these guys and he's both....I have been putting them in the raw section but with the "fake" mention next to does confuse things when they are a fake and a raw at the same time....why do they do that to us?


PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:17 am
by Tojo
is this a rake or a faw?

whichever, he looks pretty cool

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:33 am
by attombomb7
Fantastic diver Attom, would you class him as a raw or a fake?

HI RAchel!

I think I would class him as fake and raw..he is both

:):):) his eyes give him away !! hehehe

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:35 am
by attombomb7
is this a rake or a faw?

whichever, he looks pretty cool
hi! thanks Tojo!

I think he is both! so far.. but I will know when I get him..

maybe he is tiny?? I assume he is normal smurf size?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:08 pm
by pekkelien
i just bought a cruying smurf also yellow raw

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:27 pm
by attombomb7

yes I saw you win!...he is so cute!!

I have him too..but mine is missing the hanky!!

also a green one..with no hanky.. :(