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Papa Smurf's Latest Buys!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:14 am
by Papa Smurf
Here are my latest buys (I am very proud of these):
Doctor Smurf with Yellow Stethescope (Price: 3 Euro's) - Worth - ? Euros
"Sport And Fitness" Promo Body Builder (6 Euro's) - Worth - +-35 Euros
Carl Zeiss Brainy Promo Smurf (9.95 Pounds) - Worth - 30 Euros
Jubelee Gold Wreath Smurf (10.37 Euro's) - Worth - 60 Euros
Jubelee Mechanic Smurf (6.37 Euro's) - Worth - 60 Euros
Jubelee Mechanic Smurf (6.37 Euro's) - Worth - 60 Euros
Jubelee Normal Smurf (9.37 Euro's) - Worth - 60 Euros
Jubelee Seaman Smurf (9.37 Euro's) - Worth - 60 Euros
Jubelee Telephone Smurf (9.37 Euro's) - Worth - 60 Euros
Unknown Rohling Smurfs (6.07 Euro's) - Worth - ???
"Holiday On Ice" Promo Smurf (£8.68) - Worth - ??? ... yonice.jpg
I will list more later...
Edited 08/08/04
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:34 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Papa Smurf
Great new smurfs finds and sooooo incredibly cheap too. I would like to add the Sport & Fitness promo or the Bodybuilder with the red trunks as I have yet to find these two variations.
Well done.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:51 am
by Papa Smurf
Hey Dyar,
I saw the red pants body builder in the catalog. I need to also find that. If I do - I sell it to you or maybe trade it? I am trying to ONLY collect in the main rare ones...Standard smurfs I will add later...
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:46 am
by chesneysmurf
Those are awesome! Congrats!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:11 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Papa Smurf
Sounds like a great deal to me. Please do let me know as I haven't seen too many around even though a few people I know have purchased them lately.
Look forward to seeing what else you have purchased too
Take care
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:11 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Papa Smurf
Sounds like a great deal to me. Please do let me know as I haven't seen too many around even though a few people I know have purchased them lately.
Look forward to seeing what else you have purchased too
Take care
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:26 am
by Papa Smurf
I will do! - I have a couple of nice promo's coming this week - I'll update in half an hour or so...
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:41 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Papa Smurf
I just noticed that you added the Carl Zeiss Brainy Promo Smurf. Was that from Christine's auction? If it was I nearly went up against you for that one. I pulled out towards the end due to some hefty smurf bills that needed paying this week. Thankfully all have been paid and now can I start to look for more goodies to bring back to Australia.
If it was from Christine's then I am glad I didn't try to outbid or push you up in that auction.
They all look great Papa and hopefully I will see another Carl Zeiss Promo Smurf in the future.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:49 am
by Papa Smurf
I will add a few more good one that I have won in the next 1 hour....
BTW I have updated with a new one...check first post...
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:58 am
by Papa Smurf
Hey guys,
Can anyone verify this one, it's not in the catalog:
Jubelee Gold Wreath Smurf (10.37 Euro's) - Worth - 60 Euros
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:26 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Papa Smurf
I think the Jubilee smurfs are cool too. I only have 2 (see pic) but I would like to get a few more.
As far as the Jubilee Wreath smurf is concerned, it does mention it in the Katalog but only in the writing on the right hand side of the picture of the Torchbearer. In German it is written as "goldenen Kranz" (golden Wreath).
From what I understand (as I haven't properly translated this bit) is that the Wreath was sold without the normal Jubilee packaging. As far as I can see that would mean that the Wreath is not a fake. I am not sure though why it isn't listed with the other 19 unless the author is only listing ones that came with the special Jubilee packaging. If one of our German friends could do a proper translation of this bit then I think we both would be grateful.
I hope this helps
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:38 am
by Papa Smurf
Thanks for that insight Syd - It put my mind at rest! WOW! you're versions are MINT!!!
I have added another 2 to the first post!
Jubilee smurfs
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:04 pm
by Little lucie @ Simon
Well done papa smurf. You've got the one jubilee smurf thats been evading us. Simon's year of birth is 1970 like the mechanic he's always got a spanner in his hand . I was wanting to find one for him for his birthday . Its now on his christmas list. Simon is a fiend for collecting the bodybuilders tho' he's got 3 with red shorts, one with gold shorts and the sport and fitness. I wont even mention how many rugby player's he has. They remind him of himself when he was younger (with a blue face) after playing rugby in the cold.
Re: Jubilee smurfs
PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:12 am
by Papa Smurf
Little lucie @ Simon,
I managed to get 2 of these. Maybe we can trade?
Well done papa smurf. You've got the one jubilee smurf thats been evading us. Simon's year of birth is 1970 like the mechanic he's always got a spanner in his hand . I was wanting to find one for him for his birthday . Its now on his christmas list. Simon is a fiend for collecting the bodybuilders tho' he's got 3 with red shorts, one with gold shorts and the sport and fitness. I wont even mention how many rugby player's he has. They remind him of himself when he was younger (with a blue face) after playing rugby in the cold.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:13 am
by Papa Smurf
See 1st post for my weekend's catch!!!
I really am interested to hear if anyone has seen the 2 Rohling smurfs...
PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:32 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Papa Smurf
Regarding those two raw blue smurfs you wanted info on.....I wouldn't take it as gospel but could they possibly be fake raws. I stress that I am no expert here and I would like to see what others think so we both can learn about them.
Is anyone familiar with the fake raws who could identify whether these fit that description or not?
Either way Papa Smurf, all your new acquisitions are very impressive including these two blue guys. I would also like a 'Holiday on Ice' Skater but just haven't got around to getting one yet.
How many smurfs do you have Papa Smurf? I know you must have a few but even if you didn't have any besides these new ones I would still be envious of your collection.
I hope someone can help you better than I can
PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:00 am
by Papa Smurf
hmmmmmmmmm - they could be fakes...i'll confirm when I get them. I'll take photo's of my collection tonight and post them's a very small collection...
Hi Papa Smurf
Regarding those two raw blue smurfs you wanted info on.....I wouldn't take it as gospel but could they possibly be fake raws. I stress that I am no expert here and I would like to see what others think so we both can learn about them.
Is anyone familiar with the fake raws who could identify whether these fit that description or not?
Either way Papa Smurf, all your new acquisitions are very impressive including these two blue guys. I would also like a 'Holiday on Ice' Skater but just haven't got around to getting one yet.
How many smurfs do you have Papa Smurf? I know you must have a few but even if you didn't have any besides these new ones I would still be envious of your collection.
I hope someone can help you better than I can
PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:23 pm
by Syd Smurf
Maybe up and Attom will settle the confusion...there is a good chance he would of seen them somewhere in his travels....basically if he hasn't then they probably don't exist.
raw fakes
PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:45 pm
by attombomb7
Hi Papa!
I love all the smurfs you got! very kewl! I saw them on EBay..too!
and just passed them by to get me a fake 32 piece lot..from Bundy man on Ebay.. hehe which Dyar even likes:))0
but I have seen the blue lantern raw one before and the blue wrench one too.. I'm almost sure they are fake Waldbauers..since many people seem to say they only made a 6..real ones ( see
post on waldbauers. ( a chocolate company) .which also shows a picture of the box..
but then again I see lots of them and some are obvious fakes and some
are the yellow smurfette seems like real Waldbauer to me..
I think the lamp one is really kewl cause the lamp is fully painted..
and the eyes seem so poor it may be a fake..( which I love!!!!)
the wrench one mostly comes in orange and the fake was green so
yours is blue and may be a second fake? but it all depends I guess on what is on them when you get them
and here are two small pics
PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:18 pm
by Syd Smurf
Either way Papa Smurf....I think they are all very cool and I am so jealous.....that does it...I am going to load my credit card and I am going out to shop every smurf thing in site......unfortunately I never get any credit for being so foolish....just the opposite really.....still, all you sellers lock up your smurfs because I am coming to get them.
Dyar on a quest.