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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:03 pm
by Syd Smurf
My second (of 3....maybe 4) packages from Germany arrived today in less than a week after being you can't ask for any quicker than that. It arrived just as I was about to leave so once again I wasn't able to open it and see which items were in there. I have over 200 items still being stored in Germany and so each package is a mystery package as I don't ask and don't get told what's in them as it comes down to the best fit for each package. We try to make up 10kg for each package and this one came in at 9.9kg and once again is a rather large box.

I do know however that my Kwak items are in there (I hope) as that was a special request this time but I have no idea what else is in's hard to concentrate on work when all you wanna do is go home and rummage through this package......however I am doing my best. Forgive me for not taking the day off and I will confess this sin to Father Attom later on.

Also please forgive me if I post pics later as I am really excited about seeing these Kwak items and would love to share them with you guys.....well in pics The Kwak deal was set up in October last year so it has been a long time coming but I needed to pay off lots of things in the mean time including everybodies Birthday and also everybody I knew seemed to be celebrating their Christmas in late December so spare money has been short lately. Finally I am free of Birthdays & Christmas & Valentine's Day &......oh shucks.....Easter :banghead: .....oh well choccy eggies are cheap I, no, no, not you Stace of course.....I mean the ones that can't swim.

Anyway, just wanted to report that I am happier than a toothpick that was saved from being used by Jimmy Nail.....sorry for the blabbering but you all should be really used to me by now people.

I'm so Happy, oh so happy.....or something like that.

Sundyar, Mondyar, Happy Dyar.
Tuesdyar, Wednesdyar, Happy Dyar
Thursdyar, Fridyar, Happy Dyar
Saturdyar, SHUT UP Dyar, blabbering all week for you :D

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:08 pm
by eggie smurf
Ooooh can't wait to see what you've got today -- I can't believe you aren't leaving work early :)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:09 pm
by attombomb7
HURRY!!!!! I can't wait to see the goodies!!!!!:)

sounds like a great package! Dyar:)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:08 pm
by aussiesmurfer
Looking forward to seeing those photos! :D


PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:17 am
by Little lucie @ Simon
Oh yes , hurry with the pictures , i need something exciting to see . Ive had a really boring week :???: Lucie

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:27 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Guys...back again

I have gone through the package and I must admit there isn't as many items as I thought would be in there but I guess this is because there were a lot of big buildings as opposed to just regular smurfs. However I am not disappointed as there are some nice items in this package.

I still have about 200 smurfs in Germany and they will come out in the final package with a majority of those being for selling for trading.

Okay here are the pics



Here are pics of the original Gargamel's Castle, original Farm, and the final pic features the green Kwak Stove, Irwin (no idea where this came from...I get given these all of the time) and also a few regular smurfs...again..I have no idea where these came from as they were bonus items from somebody....thank you somebody. :D

Please note that the Kwak Stove is supposed to have black pipes but the seller only had one with silver pipes around the sides......I thought I would be stupid if I didn't take it though as they go for a lot higher on ebay and I was happy to have this and the other Kwak items without having to compete with the heavies of the smurf collecting world.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:32 am
by Syd Smurf
Here are some more Alfred J Kwak items including the Windmill, Farm, and the Gate & Fence set.

....and to answer a question Sven asked ages ago....yes it does have the holes under the Windmill just like the smurf one.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:33 am
by Little lucie @ Simon
Hi dyar, great Pictures. Im very envious , i would really love an old farmhouse. Well done you must be really pleased :D You've got the gargamels castle too :DWow ive just seen your other pictures, ive never seen the green versions of the windmill and farmhouse before. These are Alfred j kwak is that right? :-D F :-D antastic Lucie

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:34 am
by Syd Smurf
The final pics are of some raws/rohlinge smurfs......I love these ones and I move a little closer to having one raw for each smurf......still a long long way to go though.

Thanks guys



PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:37 am
by Little lucie @ Simon
:-D Even better, you must be thrilled :D Thanks for sharing your pictures. If you ever get sick of them send them too me :) :D Lucie

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:45 am
by Syd Smurf
Thanks Lucie.

Yes they are Alfred J Kwak items and now I just need to get the white bed and the white Row Boat and I will be happy. I was hoping that the white bed was included in this lot but unfortunately it wasn't. I wasn't sure if the Gate & Fence set was included either so I was really happy that they were.

I am very thrilled and grateful to receive these items and I have wanted them for a long time so it's very rewarding to finally have them.

I must give a big thank you to all those who made it possible for me to get these and that includes Karen too for her patience....I really appreciate it.

Also for will have your smurfs in the next package I believe.....I am a bit worried that there will now be a 4th but either way they would probably get sent at the same time anyway as I plan to take a little break after this and mainly concentrate on raws for the rest of the year.....but I know you believe that as much as I do so we'll

Thanks for letting me be a bit of a show off today as I am a really happy guy and these are very special items to me......the Irwin not so much :)

Take care


PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:57 am
by XoioX2000
Wow! I love these Kwak stuff... really really nice!

Well done for getting these Dyar!



PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:21 am
by Gerda
Lucky lucky lucky... :cheers: :cheers: I wish I could get those kwark sets.. they look pretty cool espcially when you see them with the smurf stuff together like that. :D

I have one question.. The kwark farm obviously did not come with the smurf and stork.. did it originally come with anything that sat on the chimney? :-?

I'm so jealouse.. I want!!! :???: :???:

thanks for sharing the pics!!


PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:52 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Gerda

No you are right it didn't come with the Stork & Smurf....Jack said it had to go on there and it is actually the same Stork from the original Farm...I just forgot to take it off before taking the pic.

I don't think it did come with anything on the Chimney though. The Kwak items are odd because they don't have as many parts as the smurf items despite the fact that they are the same mould so they still have the holes or the parts that match the smurf buildings. For example....the Windmill doesn't have the little arch bit on the side although it still has the holes for one to go there. I thought I received a Windmill with that part missing but I looked at the instructions and it doesn't show that part at all so it musn't come with the Kwak items. There are also extra features missing on the Kwak Farm that you would find on the Smurf Farm so it was interesting to find out that us Smurfers got the better deal with these buildings. (see instructions pic below). I also noticed that it doesn't have an extra piece (support) at the back that locks the roof and walls together. Overall the smurf ones look better and have extra pieces but it was interesting to find that out. The Windmill also never came with sails like the smurf ones do.

Other things that I found was:

The Doctor, Lantern & Drummer were all slightly different variations despite the fact that I already had these markings.

The black raw Chimney Sweeper is actually my second one however the new one had different markings and is a totally different mould so I am really happy about that.

All of the raws are authentic Schleich ones except for the purple King despite the Bully W Germany markings.



PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:15 am
by attombomb7
Wow! I love these Kwak stuff... really really nice!

Well done for getting these Dyar!



I agree! I love the KWAK stuff! and that purple king Rohling!!!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:12 pm
by Rachel
Right that is it then, over to Dyar's house wearing my coat with the extra extra large pockets.

Wow, I bet you were happy when this little lot arrived. I love the Kwak stuff, plus the raws plus the castle, plus the.................. :worship: :adore: :worship: :adore: :worship: :adore:

Cool pics and nice info Dyar, I can't wait to see how your smurf room is looking now. :D

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:21 pm
by attombomb7
hi Dyar!

i do love all your new items! two farm houses WOW!! and those rohlings

especially the orange smurfette, the chimney sweep and the white rohling with presents colored! very kool! off course the white rohlings too!
and that KWAK green stove is awesome!

very fun looking at that Windmill too! the wind masts in white is so different!

more more more!~

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:36 pm
by Syd Smurf
Thanks Attom

I really love these as well. I think the original Gargamel's Castle & Farm look better than the newer (now discontinued) versions. I also think they look better than the Kwak ones but it's nice to have a different variation on them.

Currently these buildings are sitting in the lounge room as there is no room in the smurf room for them. I still have to re-arrange the smurf room but I need more grass first to put down as I have decided to get rid of the road and just have a more smurf village look with houses and buildings etc casually spread over the whole really comes down to space but it may improve it a little I hope at the same time. I will post some pics once I manage to do that.

Now onto the 3rd package please :D

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:45 am
by aussiesmurfer
Wow, what a fantastic lot of stuff for your collection Dyar! Sounds like you'll be needing a bigger house soon!! I really love the stove, I don't think I've seen that one before. Can you tell me where you got that cute smurfy back ground that we see in a lot of your pictures? Is it printed on cardboard?


Trish :D

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:23 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Trish

The background is printed on cardboard and can be bought from a lovely lady named Colleen if she still has more available.

Any troubles then just let me know.....I am actually thinking of getting myself another one so let me know if you are getting one as I may join you.
