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Carol Smurf - Unusual Fake?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:04 am
by Papa Smurf
I found this on ebay and accidently won it....I bid on it and the hoped someone else would bid... Does anyone know what this is:

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:15 am
by Syd Smurf
Hi Papa

Unless I am mistaken by something I'm missing that's Smurfette Caroling Schleich no. 51909.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:20 am
by Papa Smurf
Thanks Syd ;)


PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:39 am
by attombomb7
Hey Papa!

I like the items you find! like this one and the smurfette soccer on the stand!

I was also watching those two..and missed the stand one for sure..

I had bought something else from that dealer 1 hr earlier..and when I buy one item I always see what else they have to save on this case he had nothing else..I liked but the soccer socle ..

I liked it and also had no idea if it was rare or not..just looked good!@

Attom :D

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:43 am
by Guest
Yes Papa is brilliant at sniffing out rare bargain smurfs, I never find half these auctions!