Hi All
In May 2024, the Blue Cavern Forum will be celebrating its 20th birthday. Quite an achievement!
Though some decisions will need to be made, regarding the future of the forum going forward. This has recently come to a head with an error happening when submitting a post. I thought by getting an I.T specialist and the hosting company to help would fix the problem. It did but only for 24 hours.
Do we want to continue with the forum for possibly the next five years?
Do we want to upgrade the forum to the latest version of PhpBB?
Do we want to change hosting companies who are more helpful when assisting with errors?
Do you we consider changing the forum software?
With anything going forward it will involve getting outside assistance from someone who knows. I am not an I.T specialist and very often require getting a specialist to help.
There are also other things such as keeping the domain and the web hosting active.
I would appreciate any suggestions or comments you may have regarding the Blue Cavern Forum.