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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:56 pm
by Margaret
I couldnt stop laughing from your post !!! 8-)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:12 pm
by Margaret
Did you also have morning sickness with Eloise ??
I think it may be an old wise tail but with girls you
have morning sickness I dont know how true it is
but I have two boys and didnt have morning sickness at all.
With my first son they told us from the sono we were
having a girl he went home to a pink and purple room
and all his onesies were pink ( if he only new lol)so
with my second we did not ask what we were having
I hope you feel better !!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:35 pm
by SuperJen
Oooo congratulations Linda on seeing your bub for the first time :cheers: (not alcohol :) )

I once heard that you get morning sickness if the sperm and egg don't like eachother :-? I hope you feel better soon......

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:07 am
by KiwiSchlumpf
Margaret: re if boy or girl..
actually when I was under production, the Doctors never told my parents I was a smurf (not even sure if they suspected).. they didn't know how to tell my parents it and they only had two tick boxes on the form, so they had to go with [boy]... I think! :scratchinghead:

I had to sit my parents down and tell them I was a smurf when I was in my thirties, luckily they haven't disowned me... yet! This sort of thing is more accepted in our modern enlightened times. :o

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:24 am
by KiwiSchlumpf
Phewwph.. well I'm no expert Linda, but from my catalogue image everything looks like you have a perfectly formed "normal" baby smurf.. refer catalogue number 20002 for what normal will eventually look like. It maybe a brainy 20006 or even 20005 gold smurf. We have to leave that element of surprize. :D


PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:53 am
by steveparkes

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:00 pm
by Bunno Smurf
lol ok Darryl. Now you're just scaring Phil.

Margaret: I think some people are more susceptible to morning sickness than others. My friend had 6 kids, 3 boys and 3 girls, and not one bit of morning sickness with any of them. I was sick for about 2 weeks straight with Eloise and then every so often I'd have a day (only about once a fortnight-month). I've been sick now for about 3 weeks with about one day break the whole week. So I am hoping that it will ease off soon. Another friend of mine was sick for the whole 9 months..said she had to live on cracker bickies and water...that all she could stomach. So I guess a few weeks aint so bad in the overall scheme of things!

What was really freaky was the lady at daycare who looks afer Eloise. She came up to me one day about 8 weeks ago and said "Hey are you pregnant?" (We didn't know we were then) and I said "ummm don't know". She said she'd had a dream that I was. A week later we found out we were. do de do de (Twilight music). Anyway she is adamant that it is a boy according to her dream so it will be interesting to see if she's right as she was right about the pregnancy thing!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:07 pm
by Margaret
Wow Linda that is really freaky about the daycare provider !!
Can you imagine if she is right now that would be freaky !!

I hope you feel better !!

Happy Holiday !!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:52 pm
by Bunno Smurf
Just thought I'd update everyone...the daycare lady was right!! :eek: The scan we had a few weeks ago revealed (pretty graphically) that its a boy! I won't scare you with the pic!

Mr Bunno calls Eloise Bubbles so we had kinda nicknamed this one "Squeak". (Bubble n Squeak) If he's anything like the rest of the Bunno boys he will definitely Squeak!! I am calling him Roo at the moment though as he's been kicking me a LOT! All day and all night. I am still being sick too but not as much as I was before.

I'm having the day off work today too to go have a checkup at the Midwife's clinic (it only runs Fridays) so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone at work I was on here too :D

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:49 pm
by Syd Smurf
Nice to hear you're having a boy although I hope he doesn't get all of Phil's traits.....poor will be Dutch Oven City in your house if he does.

Hope all goes well :D


PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:12 am
by SA Smurfette
Glad you know it's a boy for sure and not a smurf :D
You'd hate to get a double or variation you already have :-D

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:21 am
by Guest

Could be worse, could look like Phil ! :) :)

:-D :beer:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:04 am
by mrssamwisegamgee
Congratulations on your scan result linda, i bet your thrilled to be having a boy :-D I know we were excited second time around having a boy as in our families it is mostly girls.
Have you found this pregnancy much different to having eloise? I found there was a big difference with the way I carried, sickness and almost everything with jack compared to lauren :)
Hope eveything runs smoothly for you and take care


PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:20 am
by Bunno Smurf
Yeah this one is heaps different. I was having a long whinge to Steve about it in the chatroom this morning!

I have been pretty sick with this one. I had the midwife's clinic and she said it's all the male hormones most probably. Also he likes to kick a lot whereas Eloise didn't!

I am feeling really really tired but I think that may have to do with having to run around after a 2yr old as well! (Well nearly 2...she'll be 2 on Friday!) We've been busy cleaning up for her birthday party with the rellies and I am aching today from weed pulling most of yesterday.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:51 am
by steveparkes
Good Luck Linda..hope all goes well and you have a lovely little baby papa :) :D

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:16 am
by Guest
Good luck Linda. I find boys much easier than girls! I also carried my boys completely differently to Kitty. With the boys I got really fat, I put four stone on when I had Todd and three stone on when I had Danny, and then only two stone on when I had Kitty! They all ended up being about the same weight so it was just me getting fat! I always think you carry boys on your bum and girls on your tum. :) :) :)

Great news anyway, really excited for you!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:27 am
by Bunno Smurf
I'm carrying about the same I think and I have actually lost 8kgs with the morning sickness. It is just starting to pop out now and I am 6 months pregnant (24 weeks). I think I gained about 2kgs by the end with Eloise.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:42 am
by Guest
Ginger biscuits and lots of them, that helps!

I had a craving for sherbet fountains with Todd and for tinned strawberries and evaporated milk with Danny which Brian thought was totally disgusting.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:10 am
by Syd Smurf
I didn't change much....when Mrs Dyar was carrying Jack I just had the usual cravings for pizza.

Dyar :-?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:04 am
by mrssamwisegamgee
I find boys much easier than girls!
Yep I quite agree Karen. my pregnancy and labour with Lauren was an absolute nightmare, not forgetting the whopping 5 stone I put on with her :( But with Jack it was a breeze and there were no problems and I hardly put anything on at all :-D
My pregnancy's were different as in the way I carried them though, lou I carried all round and jack was all in front. so I think it really varies from person to person. how are you carrying this time Linda?
Can't be that long to go now :D
