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Why have I only just noticed this?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:07 pm
by Guest
How long have I been posting on this forum? :banghead:

Why have I only just noticed that when you hover your mouse over for example URL (above) that it tells you just above the box here how to insert a url and hide it behind the text. I always thought people who did this were so clever to remember how to do it. I'm such a dummy sometimes.. :( :( :(

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:59 pm
by Smurfysmurf

thanks for the tip Karen :thanks2:

I know it would have taken me much longer to find this out by myself... 8)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:15 pm
by SA Smurfette
:oops: I didn't know that either Karen :)

Thanks :D

Re: Why have I only just noticed this?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:09 pm
by eggie smurf
How long have I been posting on this forum? :banghead:

Why have I only just noticed that when you hover your mouse over for example URL (above) that it tells you just above the box here how to insert a url and hide it behind the text. I always thought people who did this were so clever to remember how to do it. I'm such a dummy sometimes.. :( :( :(
Huh? :eek: I'll reread that when I'm sober!

Re: Why have I only just noticed this?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:05 am
by Syd Smurf
LOL Karen...I had to ask Stace how to do it as I thought the same thing...."these people are really very clever". I guess you and me might have to hang out in Belgium if we can't mentally keep up with eveyone else. :)

Huh? :eek: I'll reread that when I'm sober!
I knew it...she does drink like a fish

:fish: :fish::fish::fish::fish::fish:
:fish: :fish::fish::fish::fish::fish:
:fish: :fish: :dory: :fish::fish::fish:
:fish: :fish::fish::fish::fish::fish:
:fish: :fish::fish::fish::fish::fish:

Guess which one of the above is Stace after a big night?


PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:46 am
by hfos
I already knew all that, 'cause I got l33t h4xxo0r 5kiLLz :)

Re: Why have I only just noticed this?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:03 am
by eggie smurf
I knew it...she does drink like a fish

Oh I know what K is saying now :sillyme: I think Linda actually taught me about that! :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:25 pm
by Bunno Smurf
LOL Yeah I think I put it in a post somewhere sometime. Psst Karen...the image one does the same thing and the rest of them for that matter!