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Postby Tessa-Dennis » Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:21 pm
Hi Linda,

Yes, he was big here as well. Tessa and I were on a first name basis with him although we have never met him. As a photographer with a somewhat speciality in nature I travel quite a bit and for some reason Steve always came up and instantly people got somekind of twinkle in their eyes.

Tessa woke me up this morning before she went to work and with tears in her eyes she said that she heard on the radio Steve had died and strangely I knew immediately who she meant. Whenever Steve in on Animal planet here, which is on almost all day as I work at home, I stop and watch and if Tessa is about the standard yell is "Steve is on TV, let's see what he is going to get his hands on this time" He was just a bundle of energy waiting to be released on anything moving.

Tessa called this afternoon asking if I had found out more already on what happened and it was on the news here the whole day (albeit short). The website of the Australiazoo has been ofline all day due to high traffic. Tessa said many people at work were saddened about it and I must say I have had some tears in my eyes as well, somehow it felt like loosing a friend, which sounds stupid of course if you really think of it.

I can honestly say that all my live I have wanted to go to Australia and all my life I have been terrified of crocodiles, especially after my encounter with the beasts in Costa Rica. But they also intrigue me very much and Tessa and I were 'planning' a trip to Australia Zoo just to see Steve do what he does. Sadly it is now too late and for some reason I always imagined meeting him there and have a few laughs. I wish all the best for Terry, Bindi and little Bob and as someone wrote on the Animal Planet condolance board today 'Heaven has a new Zoo keeper'


Postby SA Smurfette » Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:15 pm
Australia Zoo is a lovely Zoo Dennis :D

Steve wasn't there the day I went which was a shame I would've liked to met him and get a picture taken with him.

My daughter loved him, mainly from seeing him in the Wiggles DVD "Wiggly Safari" which was filmed at Australia Zoo with Steve and his family.

It was really strange yesterday, I was only just reading an interview in the Womens weekly about him then went to pick up my daughter from school when one of the mum's told me he died. :shock:

He'll be sadly missed, he was such a likeable guy.
:winks: Raelene :yes:

Check out my smurfy site

Postby Bunno Smurf » Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:20 pm
All the staff went to work today at Australia Zoo. They said Steve would've been angry if they hadn't. Its a nice gesture I think but I can imagine it'd be hard to go to work as he treated the staff like family. (ummm not like Dyar's, Graham's and my family though lol! :) :) :) )
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:41 am
I heard about it yesterday morning. Don't call me a wishing-well, but I always knew that his death would be caused by a tragedy. I remember watching his show on German tv about two years ago. Many people became that furious when he was taking his baby boy to the crocodiles... .As a result, his show was banned from tv.

God bless him. R.I.P.

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:22 am
and as someone wrote on the Animal Planet condolance board today 'Heaven has a new Zoo keeper'.
I like that one Dennis :D

There was no doubt Steve was a little strange, he was a Queenslander after all and you know what I have been saying about them on here. However I really liked him for his enthusiasm and respected him for his work in conservation and awareness.

I didn't realise he was so well known around the world. I knew he had an audience in the US but it surprises me that he was also known elsewhere in the UK & Europe...he was definately one of a kind and like everybody else I feel sorry for his young family.

I think I remember him saying that he was trying to teach his kids the same way that his parents taught him...which was to love but also respect the dangers of some animals. I guess he believed in how he was taught and since his kids were surrounded by those type of animals it was important that they learnt. His antics never outraged me actually, I figured he knew what he was doing and I would put my life in his hands anyday over Michael Jackson.

I think many people here love to impersonate his entusiastic personality and I must admit he was lot more entertaining than a lot of other people in the same line of work. I am sorry that you and Tess didn't fulfil that ambition of coming out here and meeting him Dennis....I am sure you would of enjoyed the whole experience.


Postby Smurf-aholic » Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:04 pm
I was very shocked to hear of his passing...what a tradgic way to go. I feel for his wife and two young kids. I can say that he lived life to the fullest.

Postby DrunkSmurf » Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:47 pm
I'd heard of him a little before and he was famous enough that my old mum brought up the subject when I visited for Labor Day.

I guess I'm also stricken by remorse / lack of a lot of sympathy--it seems like he pushed fortune a lot and was swimming really close to that stingray when it panicked.

Postby Tessa-Dennis » Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:33 am
I guess I'm also stricken by remorse / lack of a lot of sympathy--it seems like he pushed fortune a lot and was swimming really close to that stingray when it panicked.
You are right here, I would have expected him to be on the news after having fed an arm or a leg to a 15 ft salty, but not something so simple and final. I read it was only the 3rd registered death by a stingray in Australia, so I guess it is something like wanting to pet the neighbours dog, who you have known for years, and the animal suddenly goes for the throath.

It is strange to see what his death meant to many people, it also shows that we do live in a small world after all (Sorry Mr Disney).


Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:53 pm
We heard about Steve Irwin too and felt very sad :( , he was a great guy and very brave doing all what he did. But he will surely be remembered for his great achievements in bringing people as closer to nature than most of us could possibly imagine!

it also shows that we do live in a small world after all (Sorry Mr Disney).
Dennis you crack me up.........LOL :)

Smurfy regards
Steve :D

Postby hfos » Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:18 am
Over at Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index they now have a small section of Steve Irwin cartoons, which are mostly quite good.

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:40 am
Thanks for the link.... :D

Smurfy regards
Steve :D

Postby Smurf-aholic » Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:48 pm
Great link :D . Had to add it to my Favorites.

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:29 am
Australia has been rocked by losing another famous Aussie icon today when racing car legend Peter Brock died in a car race. I have never been in motor sports but as a child I loved Peter Brock...everybody did. He died this afternoon and he was held in very high esteem here in Australia over many decades.....another one that has died while doing what they loved.


Postby XoioX2000 » Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:59 am
It's always the same, once the series starts...

Glenn Ford passed away about a week ago...
:dragon: I like the smell of Napalm, first thing in the morning...:dragon:
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