I thought it's time for another update
I am doing very well right now and am back to my old strength. My biggest problem right now is that I stepped into a hole on the road at a farmer's market, sprained my left ankle and busted up my right knee which bled quite nicely. Because of my Chemo and increased danger of infection, we went to the ER..the good news was that nothing was broken, but as you can imagine the knee is giving me trouble until it's healed so I spent the week locked to a chair again
I did go and see the radiation doctor on Monday..and he had great news for me. The radiation will be more of a preventative measure as my pelvis has no visible cancer according to the last scans four weeks ago. He used a very nice comparison to explain it to me. He said when you pull out the weeds of your garden, you dig deep to get the roots as well..but sometimes a little piece of root is left..or a little seedling is left that you don't see..that's when you use weedkiller to make sure those are killed off as well...well, the radiation is the weedkiller to make sure that after the surgery when the cancer was removed, no cancer roots are left over in there.
I will have 28 radiation sessions..one each day Mon-Fri for about six weeks, and then we continue with the chemo. My next Chemo is scheduled for next Thursday, and I will go back to the radiation doctor on Jun 4th when he does another scan so he can pinpoint the areas he wants to target during the radiation.
I have also returned to work part-time (25 hours per week right now) and life is getting back to normal...Money is tight as I don't get paid my full pay since I am still on short-term, so my smurf buying is still down to practically nothing, but I did order the small display boxes for the 2012 smurfs, the promo smurfs..and some plastoys..so I am still buying smurfs, just not as randomly as before
Thank you for your prayers, e-mails and cards....it is so encouraging to know others think of you...I am not out of the woods yet because we don't know how much cancer is in my blood, but when you remember how it looked 9 weeks ago, I think I am doing pretty well and that is a definite answer to prayers.
Here are a few pictures of what I look like right now
I wear this hat outside at home
We still went shopping after my fall, I just used the wheelchair from the grocery store