Maybe you have noticed that the design for ebay changed and for example the search is new...I didn't like the new search, as it wasn't possible to look for something in a specific category (e.g. "smurfs"). At least I didn't manage to do that. Besides the design changed all the time. Today the old design, tomorrow the new design.
At least for the search I found a solution in the Internet:
Click on the "Buy"/"Kaufen"-button on the top. There, at the bottom you'll find the following:
You are currently testing eBay's new search experience. If you prefer, you can opt out of the test.
or (in German)
Sie nutzen gerade eBays neue Suche. Sie haben jedoch auch die Möglichkeit die neue Suche zu verlassen.
(By the way: The English text says you are testing the new search, the German text says, you are using the new search.)
Click on that and the search will change. But maybe the next day the design could have changed again.