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Five years of Finnish toy collecting

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:19 pm
by JT
24.09.2004 Pauli (Oprime) and I, founded board for Finnish toy collectors. Forum is called Lelufoorumi and today we celebrate our 5th anniversary. We´ve changed hosting server once in 2006 and in current board we have 497 members. Not bad result in such a small nation :)

Janne :cheers:

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:27 pm
by PVCBlue
CONGRATULATIONS JT and Pauli!!! :cheers:

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:33 pm
by JT
Thanks Gary.
I have to admit that Smurf board such as Blue Cavern, were inspiration to us :D


PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:32 am
by Tojo
:congrats: Janne & Pauli :congrats:

I hope that in 5 years time your forum is still going & has even more members :cheers:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:03 am
by Smurfysmurf
Congratulations JT and Pauli :congrats:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:25 am
by SmurfingH
Congratulations! :cheers: :cheers:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:20 am
by eggie smurf
Congratulations JT and Pauli on your 5 year anniversary!! That's excellent :D

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:37 pm
by JT
Thank you all.
It´s not always easy to stick in with same project year after year, but luckily we have great staff who can take over when we´re busy or tired :cheers:

Anyway we might as well continue for more 5 years, since we got started :)


PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:44 pm
Congratulations JT on 5 years! :D

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:15 pm
by FlamingO
Congratulations on your 5 years :cheerz:

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:35 pm
by Pitufo
CONGRATULATIONS, Pauli and Janne!!!!!

I am sure your forum has very interesting threads, but my finnish is even worse than my english :) :) :) :) I can´t imagine a smurfy forum in spanish :( :( :(

I hope you can say on 24th of september of 2014...WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY!!! :cheers: :cheers:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:48 am
by Syd Smurf
Congratualtions Pauli and Janne on your forum's 5th birthday

5 years is longer than a lot of forums achieve so you have done very well.

Here's to the next 5 years :cheers:
