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Postby Bunno Smurf » Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:43 am
Hi all,

I've decided I am officially "off my smurf" today after the two incidents at work today. Not only I am obsessed but I am creating a whole generation of other obsessed little smurfers.

1. We had about 10 minutes spare time before lunch today so I played this game called 20 questions. I think of something and the children have to ask yes or no questions to try and figure out what it is (animal, vegetable or mineral). Anyway they figure out that its a mineral (eg non-living thing) and the very next question was "Is it a smurf?" LOL!!! When I said no they were very disappointed...one kid said "AWWW Come-on it must be ...you're smurf crazy!"

2. I took some smurfs to school today to show them. The Batman repaint, Joker repaint, snail cart and a candy topper (Thanks JT :D ). I gave out raffle tickets as rewards and at the end of the day when I showed them the prizes they said "Awwww can't we have your smurfs as prizes instead!" I said "NO WAY!!!" but I did promise that maybe next week I would bring a smurf as a prize (if I can bear to part with them).

PS: One entrepreneurial little fellow wanted to sell me the smurfs he had at home!!
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby kira1970_ » Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:58 am
That is so cute Linda. I am a Child Carer and the children love it when a package arrives and we sit down and open it. My nephew is 5 years old, and he can tell me if I have doubled up on any smurfs that arrive. He always want's to look at them and I have given him a few that are rubbed or missing parts. They younger ones just want them as teethers, and the older ones just like to look at them.

Postby Rachel » Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:17 am
Hi Linda and Kira, I have to admit that all my pupils know about me and my smurfs and most of them ask often how the smurfing is going. A few think I am nuts, a couple have even started collecting themselves but they all definitely know who and what smurfs are. :D

I have even gone as far as arranging the smurfs theme for one of my ensembles and we performed it at a little concert. :cheers:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:16 pm
Great smurfy stories guys, I liked reading those and I hope that little kid was planning on selling his smurf/s and not his parents' ones.

Both of my pupils are very familiar with smurfs too as I often get them to look at the figurines so I can read the markings etc.

:eye: :eye: Dyar :eye: :eye:
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