First Thanksgiving
PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:14 pm
I just wanted to wish everybody on this board (American or not ) a wonderful Thanksgiving week...
This is my first Thanksgiving as an American, and I thought it would be nice to have an animation of the Pilgrims and Indians on here
I won't bore you with a long list for what I am thankful for, but I do want to thank every member for putting up with me on this board and making this such a welcoming and warm forum for smurf nuts like me
If you are wondering how I managed to make this animation. ..all I can say is
Thank you SmurfySteve, our own master artist, who has worked diligently day and night to make this extra special animation for me..
And also thank you Linda, for making it possible to post it on this forum...
So, as Americans are getting really busy preparing for Thursday and the rest of the world is getting in the Christmas mood, I hope you will find some time to enjoy this SmurfySteve Thanksgiving special and give thanks for the blessings that came your way this year