I'm probably the most unsociable member of the forum (outside of work, my only social contacts (outside family) are via email with old friends or with toy collector web forums). So, my problem may be more exagerated than other peoples, but---
Are you your boss/manager's best friend at work? Do you go to all the lunches? Or.... do you get good performance reviews, but realize you're on the outside (hanging a photograph of a trip to a buddhist shrine while working in the heart of the Missouri Bible Belt probably doesn't help me much).
I know what this post is leading to. I'm opening myself up for a:
"Drunksmurf, go out to lunch with your coworkers. Pretend your coworkers are your second family. What's more important, money or pride?"
And, I'm actually friendlier to people at work than I think most of my colleagues are (many of my colleagues are extremely arrogant, and talk to people--politely--but like the person is a child). Just not most friendly to the right people. You know what I mean?
Maybe my problem is being half-ambitious and half-laid back. Maybe the problem is being self-confident enough not to follow my boss around flattering him, but not being self-confident enough to shine like the much idolized "leader" (and most "leaders" I meet at my place seem rather smarmy--manipulative, untrustworthy, and patronizing, but adored by the higher-ups who don't receive the sharp end of the dagger).
It's just so strange at the office. Half the people are naturally competitive, a bit (understandably, I guess) backstabbing, and ruthless. But, they can't leave it at that. They want you to be their friend. I guess it makes them feel more secure? It's an extremely uncomfortable situation. Granted, I've been at places where it was even worse.
I'm growing extremely paranoid--and probably making things worse for myself. I do have friends/colleagues at work, but they tend to be intellectualish / bookish and outsiders themselves who have survived because the politics goes over their head and they don't mind being in the back row.
I guess that's the answer. Do the job and not worry about it. I'm buddhist for christ's sake (pun intended)--so that's what my attitude ought to be.
PS. In case anyone from my work collects smurfs (they don't) and is reading this, my name is actually Antoine Baquette and I live in Quebec and work for the Luxembourg Embassy. Don't tell anyone this, but Luxembourg is planning an invasion of Austria.