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I need help and ideas

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:10 am
by Smurfysmurf
Mogli (my cat) has been having fleas and after the vet gave him Frontline and I deep cleaned my house at night, I thought I got rid of them..By that time I had already come under attack of the fleas, mainly my feet which literally look like they have chicken pox (I won't post a pic because I do not want to gross anybody out)...I was utterly disgusted and very discouraged when, after one week, I still found fleas on Mogli each day and I have been treating him with some flea powder..but this morning I found tons on him again :shock: So I went to Wallyworld and got some indoor fleaspray from Hartz that won't hurt pets but is supposed to help for 3 months and took off this afternoon to deep clean my house again and get rid of all the unnecessary stuff :???:

I am very discouraged right now because the fleas are eating up my upper body now and it just hurts and itches.

I thought I would tell my little story here because I know we have a few pet owners on here and I thought maybe you have had experiences with fleas before and can give me pointers as to get rid of them

I never had a flea problem with Paulchen in 8 years, so this is new to me. Mogli is an inside cat (although he tries to get out) so I am really not sure where he is picking up new fleas :-?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:16 am
by eggie smurf
I use Frontline also on Kaz and Ollie and have never had a flea problem with them. Can you get a flea collar as well for Mogli? Ollie had fleas once the first year I had him, but they were not a problem getting rid of like yours are. It doesn't sound like Mogli is picking up fleas though but that the fleas have their eggs hatching somewhere that you have not gotten to yet :-? Have you tried flea bombing the house also? I've never done this but maybe it would work.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:19 am
by Smurfysmurf
I tried a flea collar actually, until the vet told me that those used to work 25 years ago..but not anymore :-?

I did think about bombing the house and may have to do so this weekend if today's cleaning and spraying spree won't help :eek:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:41 am
by FlamingO
Hi Maureen,

Sorry to hear about your flea problem - what a nightmare :shock:

I hope you manage to get rid of the :fingers: little buggers soon.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:24 pm
by Tojo
Fleas are horrid things..... I once lived in a house in which one of the other tennants had a very fluffy, cute cat. It came in my room one day to visit me & the next day I was wondering why I had all these bites :-? I then discovered the nasty jumpy creatures in my bed, carpet..........

After going on a mad killing spree I managed to get rid of them & the cat was banished from the part of the house I lived in :mad: :flame:

I hope you manage to get your house flea free :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:25 pm
by Elvissmurf
We had a flea problem with our cat a few years back and had to use Bob Martins fleabomb and it worked a treat....infact we haven`t seen a flea since :D (mind you,we didn`t see the cat for nearly 2 years either :) ) if we could just sort out them darned ticks :x

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:32 pm
by Tojo
now if we could just sort out them darned ticks :x
Urgh! They're horrible too :angry: There have been lots this year as the winter was so mild. Normally we have harsh winters (well below zero :snowing: :snowdance: ) & most of the ticks pop their clogs, but not this time :angry: Our dog has had lots of them, but it's been better since we rubbed some anti-tick oil into his fur.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:28 pm
by Rachel
Hi Mo, I know we had this problem years ago with our cats. We used frontline and it seemed to do the trick and still use it on the dogs these days. I wouldn't have thought the hot weather you are getting is helping either. :hug:

Keep at the little blighters, you will win. :flame:
We had a flea problem with our cat a few years back and had to use Bob Martins fleabomb and it worked a treat....infact we haven`t seen a flea since (mind you,we didn`t see the cat for nearly 2 years either )
Sorry Elvis, that had me laughing out loud. :sofunny:

At least the cat is back now. :cat:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:42 pm
by Smurfysmurf
well, Mogli has disappeared also....poor little bugger :o

I have sprayed everything down and cleaned the corners and got rid of some old carpet under my desk (this is where the problem seemed to be the worst as Mogli usually sits at my feet while I work on the computer) and also an old family heirloom quilt, which used to be on my bed and Mogli slept on it

I got rid of more stuff so I am hoping that I have a handle on the problem

Mogli got dusted again and is a nearly white cat now...he looked so pitiful I think even Dyar would have had pity on him :-? ....well, maybe not... he didn't look quite that pitiful :) :) :)

Stace gave me permission to send the fleas to a certain seller that I mention in another post :-D and we both agreed that Mogli should be sent to this seller Mogli would create havoc among his smurfs and leave mine alone :cheers:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:39 pm
by steveparkes
Maureen, try a thing called PROGRAMME from your friend gave me some for my now departed cat buttons who had a terrible problem with fleas..I put one dose of programme on her, and the fleas were gone in days..and never returned..fantastic stuff!! ( i tried EVERYTHING to get rid of them, sprays, combs, powders, this stuff works)

Re: I need help and ideas

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:21 pm
by Syd Smurf
and can give me pointers as to get rid of them
Simple.......GET RID OF THE CAT :D :)


PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:01 pm
by Smurfysmurf
Nah, I keep him....nobody else scratches my back like he does :)