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Pencil Toppers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:44 pm
by FlamingO
Hi All,

I apologize in advance 'cause I think this is a Brit thing :-?

I'm sure you've all noticed that there is a soccer smurf on ebay currently with brown ball. Now this is very nice.... but have you noticed what the seller has sold previously... MUNCH BUNCH PENCIL TOPPERS !!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: 8)

Somehow these went for 17 pennies :shock: I thought 'WOW!' I'll look out for them. Only to find that in the past a similar quantity went for £80 and today some for over £20 :beer:

So if there are any people here that know what the heck I'm talking about, or even have any, then :-D :cool: :clap: :cheerz: and I thought smurfs were my childhood love :lol: :asleep:

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:53 am
by Rachel
Hi Sue, I remember the Munch Bunch but not as pencil toppers sorry. :D

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:34 am
by Guest
I remember The Munch Bunch on yoghurt pots :D

:-D :beer:

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:38 am
by agent smurf

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:24 pm
by Tojo
Hi Sue, I don't know the Munch Bunch I'm afraid. Do you mean those plastic pencil toppers from the 1970's that were in the shape of carrots, blackberries, onions, corncobs, tomatoes, bananas etc that had little plastic hats? If so I have a lot of those somewhere in my parent's attic down in Torquay.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:35 pm
by FlamingO
Tojo, they are the ones!!! :streamer:

Except most of them have lost there little hats. If you have loads you could be sitting on a small gold mine :) ok, a slight exaggeration, but they certainly seem to be popular when made available :D

I checked my parents attic the other day but ours have all gone :sad:

I read on wikipedia that the books were only available for 5 years from 1979 and then there was a fire at the studio publishers and all the artwork was lost so after that they only appeared on yoghurts (nice one Graham :D - oops, are you feeling particuarly Blue today :wink: :bolt: ) so I guess only a small age range would remember them, explains why my re-acquaintance with them has been met with such subdued enthusiam with every other person I've bored too :) :cheerz:

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:03 pm
by Tojo
Mine have all their hats :D I know one of them had cowboy boots & a cowboy hat (could have been the orange-can't remember). I really don't remember what I've got. If I get over to the UK next year I'll have to dig them out.

I also have a couple of Mr Men pencil toppers from the same period. If I remember rightly I have Mr Happy & Mr Bump (my favourite Mr Man :D ).

Actually I have loads of stuff from my childhood at my parents. I have loads of badges for example. There is one advertising pink parafin & lots of Curly-Wurly ones which I think you got if you saved wrappers from Curly Wurly's. I can't remember what else there is.

I've always been a collector :) I've got over 60 Golly badges which I have in a click-frame. They must be worth a fortune!! Whenever I see them for sale they are very expensive & some of them are the older type from the 1960's proper thick enamel. Back then the token to get them wasn't on the label, it was a separate golly shaped piece of paper under the lid.
Anyone interested in Gollys ought to check out this site

Ok....... :backtotopic:


PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:29 am
by FlamingO
Hi Tojo,

I remember having the Mr Men ones too (Mr Tickle and Mr Greedy were my faves :-D ) and of course the Smurf head only pencil toppers around the same time :D

We had loads of great stuff in the loft too - but over the years it all got purged out. The only things that I never let go were the Smurfs :relieved: :relieved: :)