Why life is not boring
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:57 am
I thought I share this little story with you...as hard as it is too believe...it is absolutly true
This morning my dogs were going wild, which is nothing new so I didn't pay much attention to it, until Mogli started getting scared when he looked out of the window...When I checked, I couldn't believe my eyes...a horse was coming up my drive-way...followed by a man..Thinking the man has the situation under control, I went back to what I was doing, but the dogs didn't quieten down and it sounded like they were barking towards the back. So, I went on the backporch..the horse was drinking out of the barrel that my step-father had put up for the deers
and the man was gone...Well, the horse went into the woods, so what was I to do? I haven't handled a horse since I was about 13 years of age. I called my mother because I had to tell somebody, and she had nothing better to do than to order milk in case the horse was followed by a cow....AFter that I called my cousin who is staying with her ailing mother (my 93 year old great aunt) and she called somebody she knew had a horse. She also told me that she had heard somebody had a wild mustang missing...about 10 minutes later, the horse appears again, settling in my front yard, enjoying the grass and not being bothered by three dogs that are going wild at this time. A bit later a truck with a horse carrier pulls up and out come one man with another horse...Both tried for the last hour to catch "my" mustang and finally knocked on my door (the man did, not the horse) they are setting something up on my neighbors property to catch the mustang..Now I not only have a wild mustang in my back yard again...I have a "cowboy" riding another horse up and down my property...
I felt like telling them that a lasso always seemed to work for John Wayne...but for some reason I don' t think they'd take too nicely to my advise....
so I decided to leave them alone......chasing a horse in my woods 
This morning my dogs were going wild, which is nothing new so I didn't pay much attention to it, until Mogli started getting scared when he looked out of the window...When I checked, I couldn't believe my eyes...a horse was coming up my drive-way...followed by a man..Thinking the man has the situation under control, I went back to what I was doing, but the dogs didn't quieten down and it sounded like they were barking towards the back. So, I went on the backporch..the horse was drinking out of the barrel that my step-father had put up for the deers

I felt like telling them that a lasso always seemed to work for John Wayne...but for some reason I don' t think they'd take too nicely to my advise....