@ Tim
To quote Tojo from the other day "

However, the lawyer* in me objects to the use of the term "play" for Rachael's activity. She was "arranging". "Positioning for display" is also an acceptable term. "Playing" necessitates some manner of mock communication between the figurines. The figurines must also be manipulated in such a way that a narrative (unscripted, or otherwise) is enacted.
Well technically I was playing then because in between each of the pics, the smurfs were (well me really) talking to each other and acting out different episodes of well know soaps such as Neighbours, Eastenders and of course Baywatch.
Cannot you not see the swimming trunks??
Harold in the coffee bar was an earlier scene.
Oh, by the way, if you do make it to Us trud gun lice, we don't do volleyball, we do rugby!