Hi all,
I was wondering if any of you collect Smurf Candy toppers. As for myself, I just love these since they are so cute!.... I have a nice collection of these, but I'm always in the hunt for some missing ones. Also I was wondring if any of you know a bit of the production of these. I have some from 1995 to 2001 (from the markings on the bottom of these) , but it would be great if somebody could tell many how many were produced each year or better yet direct me where I can see which ones...
For those whom may be interested, I leave you with a link to my Candy toppers collection, so if you have any not shown on this page, I'll be happy to hear from you... Thanks a lot for your help!
http://pages.globetrotter.net/luv2trade ... oppers.htm
Cheers from Quebec, Canada:cheers: